Tagged: coon

“It is no accident that such a high state of culture existed in Africa and you and I know nothing about it. Why, the man knew that as long as you and I thought we were somebody, he could never treat us like we were nobody. So he had to invent a system that would strip us of everything about us that we could use to prove we were somebody. And once he had stripped us of all human characteristics, stripped us of our language, stripped us of our history, stripped us of all cultural knowledge, and brought us down to the level of an animal – he then began to treat us like an animal, selling us from one plantation to another, selling us from one owner to another, breeding us like you breed cattle. Why, brothers and sisters, when you wake up and find out what this man here has done to you and me, you won’t even wait for somebody to give the word. I’m not saying all of them are bad. There might be some good ones. But we don’t have time to look for them. Not nowadays.” — Malcolm X

“It is no accident that such a high state of culture existed in Africa and you and I know nothing about it. Why, the man knew that as long as you and I thought we were somebody, he could never treat us like we were nobody. So he had to invent a system that would strip us of everything about us that we could use to prove we were somebody. And once he had stripped us of all human characteristics, stripped us of our language, stripped us of our history, stripped us of all cultural knowledge, and brought us down to the level of an animal – he then began to treat us like an animal, selling us from one plantation to another, selling us from one owner to another, breeding us like you breed cattle.

Why, brothers and sisters, when you wake up and find out what this man here has done to you and me, you won’t even wait for somebody to give the word. I’m not saying all of them are bad. There might be some good ones. But we don’t have time to look for them. Not nowadays.

“We must recapture our heritage and our identity if we are ever to liberate ourselves from the bonds of white supremacy. We must launch a cultural revolution to unbrainwash an entire people.” A cultural revolution. Why, brothers, that’s a crazy revolution. When you tell this black man in America who he is, where he came from, what he had when he was there, he’ll look around and ask himself, “Well, what happened to it, who took it away from us and how did they do it?” Why, brothers, you’ll have some action just like that. When you let the black man in America know where he once was and what he once had, why, he only needs to look at himself now to realize something criminal was done to him to bring him down to the low condition that he’s in today.

Once he realizes what was done, how it was done, where it was done, when it was done, and who did it, that knowledge in itself will usher in your action program. And it will be by any means necessary. A man doesn’t know how to act until he realizes what he’s acting against. And you don’t realize what you’re acting against until you realize what they did to you. Too many of you don’t know what they did to you, and this is what makes you so quick to want to forget and forgive. No, brothers, when you see what has happened to you, you will never forget and you’ll never forgive. And, as I say, all of them might not be guilty. But most of them are. Most of them are.”

You think our “first black President” and his wife — both Harvard Law graduates — don’t know the truth about our history???

Source: Malcolm X’s speech at the Founding Rally of the Organization of Afro-American Unity in New York City, June 28, 1964.

really Whoopi??!!?? so you find BLACKFACE to be COMICAL & ACCEPTABLE when worn by your EX-LOVER??


This is my first time seeing this disturbing image of Whoopi cheesing while her ex — actor Ted Duncan — gives a speech wearing blackface. Whenever Whoopi discusses race or issues affecting the African American community as a “black woman,” never forget this image…Disgusting!

“In general, a program of reparations is intended to achieve three objectives: acknowledgment of a grievous injustice, redress for the injustice, and closure of the grievances held by the group subjected to the injustice. Three types of injustices motivate a program of reparations for black Americans: slavery, the nearly century long Jim Crow regime following Reconstruction, and ongoing discrimination.”

Source: William Darity, Jr. Forty Acres and a Mule in the 21st Century. Social Science Quarterly, Volume 89, No. 3, September 2008.

out of all of the cases that i have read about, i cannot find ONE in which the arbitration association (e.g. the American Arbitration Association) disqualified the arbitrator after s/he issued a “final award” on the issue of jurisdiction and liability (as well as indicated what types of monetary damages both parties would receive) during phase 1 of a bifurcated proceeding.

If it’s a bifurcated proceeding, of course the arbitrator’s “Final Award” is going to be “PARTIAL”!! Arbitrator David L. Gregory could not determine damages because William Morris and Loeb & Loeb LLP never complied with any of my discovery requests and refused to produce any documents. Arbitrator Gregory should not have been disqualified by the AAA after issuing this Award, especially since the AAA allowed him to violate my constitutional right to due process even further when he: (1.) refused to decide my Em. Motion to Compel & Request for Sanctions; then (2.) abruptly suspended discovery which prevented me from  also acquiring the concealed underlying e-mails to “Exhibit 31″ which shows William Morris’s predominately all-white/”Jewish” employees using words like “nigger,” “nigga,” “coon” and other racially derogatory terms in their incoming and outgoing e-mails and (3.) cancelled the oral hearing, then (4.) told the parties instead to submit Final Position Statements (which I objected and William Morris/Loeb & Loeb LLP did not) before he would render his “omnibus final decision” on the merits. Even if Arbitrator Gregory did not issue a “Final Award,” then his interlocutory arbitral award was ripe for judicial review.

And due the fact that my March 17, 2014 Motion dealt mostly with the “pattern” of “fraud upon the Court” committed by Michael P. Zweig, Christian Carbone and Loeb & Loeb LLP on William Morris’ behalf (which includes discovering after three years of litigation that Loeb & Loeb LLP attorney Christian Carbone was married to AAA executive Sasha Angelique Carbone although he never disclosed this information to myself or the S.D.N.Y.), it didn’t matter if Gregory issued a “final Award” since the AAA did not have the jurisdiction to determine motions seeking disqualification of opposing counsel due to egregious violations of the New York Rules of Professional Conduct and New York Judiciary Law § 487. Neither one of Castel’s two “Final Order[s]” address the compelling evidence in support of these claims [the first Final Order on issued September 5, 2014 doesn’t contain the phrase “fraud upon the Court” at all], but instead, he concludes this nearly four year litigation by stating that the various arguments contained in my March 17, 2014 Fraud Upon the Court Motion, April 10, 2014 Motion for Reconsideration and October 3, 2014 Fraud Upon the Court Motion my are without merit, issues a filing injunction against me, revokes my in forma pauperis status and prejudices my appeal by stating it would not be made in “good faith.” Smh. #fraud #conspiracy

“Unfortunately, as I tell my white friends, we as black people, we’re never going to be successful, not because of you white people, but because of other black people. When you’re black, you have to deal with so much crap in your life from other black people. It’s a dirty, dark secret; I’m glad it’s coming out.” — Charles Barkley


Statements made to white radio hosts this weekend. Based on past statements, this is not really surprising I guess. As long as white people continue to cut his checks, he will continue to say ignorant shit like this. Smh….

Source: http://dailycaller.com/2014/10/25/charles-barkley-unintelligent-blacks-brainwashed-to-keep-successful-black-men-down-video/.

“I don’t think anyone on this planet would truly want to spend valuable years of their life challenging institutional racism, but unfortunately for William Morris, they discriminated against the wrong ‘nigger.'” #wherearetheemailstoExhibit31?

Source: Pl. March 17, 2014 Fraud Upon the Court Motion, pg. 92.

In Arbitrator David L. Gregory’s third Interim Decision issued on September 25, 2013, he ordered WME to “cooperate with the e-discovery expert of Claimant’s [Marcus I. Washington] choice to facilitate access to and be permitted to retrieve the emails contained on WME’s 1998-1999 back up tapes.” He also ordered “a cost shift to Respondent WME for reasonable costs associated with this retrieval” and informed me that by October 7, 2013, I had to submit an “itemized list of the projected reasonable costs associated with this retrieval.” [pg. 2-3.]

putting things in perspective: i was in middle school the year Leonard Rowe and the black concert promoters filed their civil rights and antitrust lawsuit against the William Morris Agency, Creative Artists Agency and others involved in the concert promotion industry….

I didn’t really learn about Leonard Rowe or the details of his case, until I discovered this CNN article [http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-724105] in January 2012 — nearly two years after graduating with my Masters in Music Business & Entertainment Industries from the University of Miami. At that time, I was working on my third appeal to the Second Circuit, which sought to have Republican appointed federal judge P. Kevin Castel’s erroneous Order which upheld William Morris’ procedurally and substantively unconscionable arbitration agreements and sought the judges’ (including Magistrate Judge James C.Francis IV who was also the Magistrate Judge in Rowe) disqualification due to the appearance and/or actual existence of bias, prejudice and/or impropriety in violation of 28 U.S.C. § 455 [http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/28/455].

Imagine how I felt after reading this, given that I had already argued and presented a pyramid of evidence in all of my pleadings showing that despite William Morris’ repeated denials throughout history, they were in fact a racist Hollywood institution that had been and still is engaging in a century-plus pattern and continuing practice of discrimination against African Americans — a problem that was clearly not limited to employment. What made things even more shocking, was that 10 years after engaging in a conspiracy to conceal smoking gun evidence showing WMA and CAA employees referring to African Americans as “nigger,” “nigga,” “coon,” etc. in their outgoing and/or incoming e-mails, I was litigating my case against the same attorney and law firm: Michael P. Zweig of Loeb & Loeb LLP.

In my fist appeal filed with the Second Circuit in September 2011, I argued that based on the fact that Castel “ignored my arguments, omitted pertinent facts and misapplied the law,” there must have been some type of collusion taking place between him and opposing counsel.  The fact that Castel has not made opposing counsel respond to my Fraud Upon the Court Motion that was filed in March 2014 “speaks volumes” and further supports that they are all conspiring with one another to deprive me of my constitutional and statutory rights under the color of law and interfere with the human rights of people of African descent, in violation of the Ku Klux Klan of 1871, 42. U.S.C. § 1985.

As I have always argued, in one way or another: In order to effectuate the public policy goals of Civil Rights Act of 1964 (and additional anti-discrimination statutes such as the New York City Human Rights Law), arbitration is an inappropriate forum to resolve this particular case and the merits of my case should have been decided by an impartial jury reflecting the rich diversity of New York City. The fraudulent actions of the American Arbitration Association and its incompetent staff confirm this fact. Now that the Southern District of New York has jurisdiction over this case, default judgment should be granted on all claims against William Morris, Jeff Meade and Sarah Van Hoven. Even though I can and have proved the merits of all of my claims as a matter of law, default judgment should also be granted as a sanction against Michael P. Zweig and Loeb & Loeb LLP for intentionally engaging in a “pattern” of highly unethical and criminal conduct on William Morris’ behalf, in violation of New York Judiciary Law § 487 and numerous Rules under the New York Rules of Professional Conduct.

“The boundaries of equitable authority aren’t clear. It is hornbook law that equity will not act if a remedy at law is available. An adequate remedy at law is one that is clear, certain and complete. The ad hoc bare bone format makes no provision for supervision by a court or an administrator, so perhaps the format dictates that a remedy at law doesn’t exist where an arbitrator’s action might inflict irreparable harm. But the administered format usually allows for interlocutory appeals to an administrator with assorted powers including authority to remove an arbitrator upon a showing of misbehavior that qualifies under FAA §10 (a). For examples, see AAA Commercial Rules 2, 11 and 18, CPR Administered Rules 7.5- 7.8, JAMS Comprehensive Arbitration Rules 6 and 15 (i) and FINRA Manual §§12207, 12407 and 12408.”

This just further supports that Republican appointed federal judge P. Kevin Castel should have intervened and decided all claims raised in my March 17, 2014 Fraud Upon the Court Motion (Docket No. 40), which included claims that Loeb & Loeb LLP and its attorneys were engaging in a “pattern” of “fraud upon the Court” on William Morris’ behalf. 

Castel did not even require William Morris and Loeb & Loeb LLP to respond to these serious accusations demonstrating highly unethical and criminal activity before issuing an Order which ONLY responded to request that the judges — Castel and Magistrate Judge James C. Francis, who was also the Magistrate Judge in Rowe — disqualify themselves from the case due to the “appearance” of and/or their actual bias, prejudice and impropriety. Had Castel done what he was supposed to do, we would not be currently trying to confirm and/or vitiate any “Award” or decision issued by the fraudulently appointed “arbitrator” — Timothy K. Lewis — because he does not have the authority to make any decisions in this case! All of the money that Lewis and his law firm have made from this case needs to be paid to me because they have been unjustly enriched from engaging in considerable fraud and trying to deprive me of my constitutional and statutory rights under the color of law. 

And to show the patterns in behavior of these corrupt federal judges in the Southern District of New York: Republican appointed federal judge Robert P. Patterson also did not require the Defendants and their counsel to respond Leonard Rowe’s March 2012 Fraud Upon the Court Motion before dismissing Rowe’s Motion on November 8, 2012 — even after all four of Leonard Rowe’s former attorneys who conducted electronic discovery with the attorneys from Loeb & Loeb LLP (Michael P, Zweig and Helen Gavaris) and Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP stated under “penalty of perjury” in their May 2012 Declarations that “no derogatory terms” were ever found after conducting a $200,000.00 search — paid for by the class of black concert promoters — on the 1998-1999 backup tapes of William Morris and CAA in late September of 2002. This was clearly a lie because Leonard Rowe discovered what is now known as “Exhibit 31” on the desk of his former attorney, Raymond Heslin, and it was faxed to Rowe’s co-counsel — the Willie Gary Law Firm, based on Stuart, FL — on October 15, 2002. Like a true racist, Patterson’s Order ignored the perjurious statements made by the white attorneys and placed all blame on the black counsel, although the Willie Gary Law Firm had absolutely no involvement with electronic discovery and only learned of “Exhibit 31” after Rowe informed the firm of what he saw on Heslin’s desk. Smh.

It is clear that a conspiracy to interfere with the human rights of people of African descent has and is still taking taking place in America and throughout the world. This time, all systems producing this evil must be eradicated completely.  

Source: Paul Bennett Marrow, “Judicial Supervision of An Ongoing Arbitration.” New York Law Journal. August 13, 2014. http://www.newyorklawjournal.com/id=1202666609888/Judicial-Supervision-of-an-Ongoing-Arbitration#ixzz3ANwKxlAX