Tagged: colonial miseducation

“Because of their lack of ethical and moral development there is no conflict between the Whites religion and racial oppression. The White race has historically oppressed, exploited, and killed Black people, all in the name of their God Jesus Christ and with the sanction of their churches. It is generally overlooked that the Ku Klux Klan is primarily a religious organization. Further, Blacks should never forget the image of the Pope blessing the Italian planes and pilots on their way to bombing Ethiopian men, women and children who only had spears to defend themselves. This behavior is not surprising since Whites use the scriptures to justify their treatment of Blacks.” — Dr. Bobby E. Wright

Klu Klux Klan in Church

Because of their lack of ethical and moral development there is no conflict between the Whites religion and racial oppression. The White race has historically oppressed, exploited, and killed Black people, all in the name of their God Jesus Christ and with the sanction of their churches. It is generally overlooked that the Ku Klux Klan is primarily a religious organization. Further, Blacks should never forget the image of the Pope blessing the Italian planes and pilots on their way to bombing Ethiopian men, women and children who only had spears to defend themselves. This behavior is not surprising since Whites use the scriptures to justify their treatment of Blacks. According to the book of Genesis, Noah placed a curse on his son, Ham, forever dooming all of his descendants to be the servants of the servants of God. Naturally, Whites interpreted Blacks as the descendants of Ham and themselves as the servants of God. If one follows that interpretation, an interesting issue arises: If Ham was Black and Noah was his father, and Noah was Black and only allowed animals on the Ark (since Whites deny that Blacks and Whites sprang from the same source, a position that this writer agrees with), then we know from an impeccable source how Whites got here.

If we could only get these hateful fools to understand that majority of the characters in the Bible, including Jesus, were NOT WHITE! Smdh.

Source: The Psychopathic Racial Personality.

current reading: Marimba Ani’s Yurugu


Someone put me onto this book about three years ago — when I first began preparing for my lawsuit against William Morris Endeavor Entertainment. Marimba GOES IN with her Afrikan-centered critique on European culture. Ani states: “The minds of African people are still crowded with the image of Europeans as superior beings. This is a condition which locks our will and freezes our spirit-force. Professor Clarke has said that we must ‘instill will into the African mind to reclaim itself.’ That is what he he has done for me. In turn I have attempted here to establish a basis for the demystification of the European image, so that our collective conscious will once again be activated.” (pg. xxi)  I’ve attempted to read Yurugu two or three times already, but each time, I’ve had to stop because it was too intense. Now that I’m much more knowledgeable about global white supremacy, I think now is the right time for me to finish the book.

In order to liberate ourselves from European intellectual imperialism, we must begin to seek an African-centered truth. “To be truly liberated, African people must come to know the nature of European thought and behavior in order to understand the effect that Europe has had on our ability to think victoriously. We must be able to separate our thought from European thought, so as to visualize a future that is not dominated by Europe. This is demanded by an African-centered view because we are Africans, and because the future towards which Europe leads us is genocidal.” (pg. 2)