Tagged: Christian Bale

“Bale feels the time will come when another film about Moses will be cast with a North African or Middle Eastern actor. ‘To me that would be a day of celebration. For the actors it would be wonderful. It would be a wonderful day for humanity, but also for films and for storytelling in general,’ he said.”

If Kemet (original name of Egypt) meant “land of the blacks” and in Exodus chapter four, verse six, it states:

And the LORD said furthermore unto [Moses], Put now thine hand into thy bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow

how could ANYONE believe and/or portray all of the kings, gods and other religious figures in the film as white, while making sure that all slaves are depicted as black? [If the miracle was that God turned Moses’ hand white as snow, then clearly Moses’ hand (and body) was of color.] Based on the director’s casting choices, Scott Ridley is basically perpetuating a very dangerous myth that people of African descent have made no contributions to civilization and that we have been slaves all of our lives! That is FALSE!!! Hence one of the reasons for the film’s backlash.

So, yes Bale, it would be a “wonderful day for humanity” if the TRUTH became more important than MAKING A PROFIT, so we could ALL stop having our realities shaped and distorted by a bunch of European myths and lies. Although Bale seemed a little more sensitive to the issue of historical accuracy, the arrogant ass director’s response to [black] people being offended by the fact that he and Hollywood are continuing to make millions by whitewashing/rewriting history and exploiting/misappropriating our culture, is that we need to “get a life.” Smdh!

Source: John Carucci. “Scott, Bale Defend Choice on Exodus Casting.’ Associated Press. December 8, 2014. http://www.philly.com/philly/entertainment/movies/20141208_ap_29866a953d034ab891d2fd87a79ff54b.html?c=r.

BOYCOTT Hollywood films that continue to WHITEWASH African history! the latest film being Exodus: Gods of Egypt.


Hollywood is a sucker for a story about ancient Egypt. Movies like The Ten Commandments, Cleopatra, and even The Mummy prove it. Upcoming movies like Exodus and Gods of Egypt all but confirm it. Unfortunately though, those films have something in common aside from being about ancient Egypt — they show that Hollywood, tends to envision ancient Egyptians and ancient Egyptian royalty as white men and women (sometimes with copious amounts of bronzer splashed on).

The latest movie in Hollywood’s ongoing love affair with ancient Egypt is Ridley Scott’s Exodus: Gods and Kings. Scott’s interpretation consists of Caucasian actors like Christian Bale, Joel Edgerton, and Sigourney Weaver playing Moses and Egyptian royalty respectively. Black and non-white actors portray roles like “Egyptian lower class citizen” or “Egyptian thief.” And Aaron Paul plays Joshua, an Israelite who becomes Moses’s right-hand man.

The cast of Exodus is similar to another upcoming movie about ancient Egypt called Gods of Egypt. In that film, the likes of Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Jaime Lannister from Game of Thrones), Gerard Butler, and Geoffrey Rush play Egyptian gods, which sets up a weird dynamic of white actors representing ideals of and being worshipped by non-white people.

While these two films aren’t the only movies that have white-washed ancient Egypt, they’re maybe the most frustrating. We can chalk up things like Elizabeth Taylor playing a fair-skinned Cleopatra in the film of the same name to the year the movie was made in (1963). There’s no rule that says we have to follow the template and tendencies of casting directors 50 years ago. We should know better, yet it still happened and is still happening.

If the original name of Egypt was Kemet, which means “land of the blacks,” then why is Hollywood continuing to depict the ancient Egyptians as white in the 21st century?!?! Why are Africans allowing our history to be rewritten and whitewashed without any real objections? That’s right: Majority of us know little about our history and this is not accidental.

I know some are probably thinking: “This is just a movie,” but actually, it’s much bigger than that since these films are supposed to be historical recreations and the West’s educational system omits any real acknowledgement or discussion of Africa and its contributions to world civilization. There are thousands who will watch this film instead of picking up a book, and will actually believe that many of the people and/or the Gods worshiped in Kemet were actually white — further perpetuating the belief that Africans have contributed nothing to world civilization and that the white race is superior. Nothing but a bunch of bullshit. If you keep allowing this racist, culture promotion machine known as Hollywood to have unrestricted access to your mind, you will always remain in the dark about the origins of the hue-man race.

Source: http://www.vox.com/2014/8/4/5955253/Hollywood-egypt-white-people-exodus-gods-and-kings and http://www.dailydot.com/entertainment/boycott-exodus-movie-whitewashing/.