Tagged: burnt skin

“[T]he evidence is still there. You go to Ethiopia at a place called Lalibela and you see the rock hewn temples and rock hewn churches in the sides of mountains [and] down in the ground. Engineering thousands of years before any country existed in all of Europe!” — Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan

Here are some pictures of The Church of Saint George in Lalibela, Ethiopia:

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People pray early morning around Saint George, one of the 11 rock-hewn churches in LalibelaEthiopia-Lalibela-star of davidethiopia-rock-church 3

These images and the others online are incredible to look at, but Saint George sounds European 😒😒😒 and thus, it may be time for a name change if so…

I find it extremely sad that many of the most devoted black Christians living in America probably never knew that this  church existed and even worse, never knew of the African origins of Christianity while they continue to worship and pray to a white, Europeanized version of God!! Smdh. As a spiritual group of people, this has had a paralyzingly effect our ability to eradicate global white supremacy (racism). The black church is doing very little to assist in the liberation of our minds, and all they have to do is simply tell the congregation the truth about our history. But in 2015, it is clear that many of them still don’t even know the facts themselves. Smdh.  

It’s even sadder that many of us will never be able to make the pilgrimage to see this historical site or the other rock churches that exist throughout Ethiopia…That must change. 

“A fossilised jawbone found poking out of the ground in Ethiopia has set the story of human origins back nearly half a million years to a time when early man shared the vast grassland plains of eastern Africa with a rich variety of prehistoric animals. Scientists have confirmed that the jawbone belongs to the Homo genus and, at 1.8 million years old, is more than 400,000 years older than the oldest previous fossil of the same group of early humans who eventually gave rise to our own species, Homo sapiens.”


The truth cannot be hidden forever!! #AgeofAquarius

Source: Steve Connor. “African Jawbone Discovery Pushes Birth of Humanity Back By 400,000 Years.” The Independent. March 4, 2015. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/african-jawbone-discovery-pushes-birth-of-humanity-back-by-400000-years-10085939.html.

“The task is not welcome in the sense that I am taking an unpopular stand against the teachings which my parents and other loveones taught me…believing that they were imparting…’THE ONLY TRUTH THERE IS ABOUT HOW MANKIND ORIGNATED’…But, they were quite innocent of any wrongdoing for so teaching me, though they were in error of the facts, since they did not know of the existing evidence and facts quite to the contrary. It is certainly those who knew better — rabbis, priests, minsters, theologian and countless others who have taken it upon themselves to speak in the name of their respective God-head [Jehovah, Jesus Christ or Al’lah, etc.] had equally, for sometime during my youth, steered me down the same ‘blind alley’ of total RELIGIOUS BIGOTRY and RACIAL PREJUDICE against my own self and my indigenous African traditions and heritage, in preference for my imposed European and European-American [WHITE WESTERN] civilization; all of this inspite of the fact that even in the so-called “Sacred Writings of God” the setting of God’s dramas always included Africa’s Punt, Kush [or Ethiopia], Nubia, Meroe and Egypt.”

Source: Dr. Yosef ben-Jochannan. The Myth of Genesis and Exodus and the Exclusion of their African Origins. pg. 2. 1974.