Tagged: Booker T. Coleman

“The cultural unity in Africa is not only linguistic, not only philosophical, it is also historic. It binds us as a people historically, linguistically and philosophically. It is important that we see this and know this and look at the work of Chekh Anta Diop and others who have come before us, so that we can begin to develop the kinds of information that will allow us to see this information for what it’s really telling us because much of what’s written on the walls of ancient Kemet applies to us today, particularly if you go to Abu Simbel and you go into the tomb, or I should say into the temple at Abu Simbel and you look at the Battle of Kadesh that Ramses II is talking about. Holistically speaking, this Battle of Kadesh is not just with outside people, it is not just with your own people, it is with yourself. The Battle of Kadesh was a multi-referential story of how we could liberate ourselves. And what Ramses was trying to tell us, and his scholars were trying to tell us, was that the first person that you must defeat, is the Setesh [“This is another form of the word, ‘Set or Seton’” the Egyptian god symbolic of evil] within yourself. Before you go out here and you go save the world, go into your bathroom and look in the mirror because most of the time, your first enemy is yourself.” — Booker T. Coleman, Jr.

Here are some pics of the magnificent Abu Simbel Temples in Nubia, southern Egypt:



And they say we were primitive?!?! Hahaha!! #whitelies

“Schwaller de Lubicz never said that who he was writing about was African folk. He knew he wouldn’t make a dime if he did, so he just opened up and said what the Africans did, but he never said they were Africans. So when you read his work, just know that they were African people.” — Booker T. Coleman, Jr.

I just finished reading Schwaller de Lubicz’ book Sacred Science.  I can say I learned a lot, but there were many instances throughout the text that I felt Schwaller de Lubicz was trying to make it appear that the Egyptians were not black. This really bothered me, so I am glad Coleman addressed this in the lecture that I am watching and confirmed that this European did in fact use his books to whiten the race of the ancient Egyptians!! It’s always something….Smdh.

“I’ve often said that people of European descent leave off a phrase, a prepositional phrase: ‘for Europe.’ Christopher Columbus discovered America ‘for Europe.’ [Sigmund] Freud discovered psychology ‘for Europe.’ You can go through every subject and I’m a curriculum writer and a consultant to many boards of ed, so I’ve seen many books in science, psychology, chemistry, physics. Johannes Kepler, born in Stuttgart, Germany, given credit for creating, inventing the planetary laws of motion, yet he himself admits in his writing he studied the Kemetic golden law of planetary motion. [Nicolaus] Copernicus admits that he studied Kemetic astronomy. In fact, anybody that knows anything in that time of history studied Egypt. Even Hitler was a student of Egypt. Napoleon was a student of Egypt. This is not what I say — this is what they said…[W]hen our young people get this information, people in the Western world will be left behind by quantum leap because they will not have the intelligence to test our children because they won’t even understand what our children are talking about. By a quantum leap.” — Booker T. Coleman, Jr.

“In psychology, dynamic projection is when somebody projects on those whom they wish to oppress, their own insecurities and deepest inferiorities. They say we want to ethnic cheerlead because there is no group on the face of this Earth that cheerleads their ethnic group more, than people of European descent.” — Booker T. Coleman, Jr.

“The European is a mutation of the Afrikan.” — Booker T. Coleman, Jr.