Tagged: Allah

“In Mecca, Mohammed was so unpopular that he was forced to flee to Medina, where he was received with open arms in the year 622 C.E. This year, known as the Hejira (Flight), was the beginning of the Mohammedan era. The doctrine of the Arabian prophet spread like wildfire; for a period of drought had desolated the Arabian peninsula shortly before the advent of Mohammed, and the tribes were restless, and hence, ready to listen to a new prophet. The essence of Mohammedanism is very simple: ‘There is no god but God [Allah], and Mohammed is the prophet of God.’ This very simplicity appealed to many. Large numbers of Jews and Christians were converted because Mohammed also recognized Moses and Jesus as prophets of God. Islam appealed to all classes of people. The doctrines of equality and brotherhood were cherished by the oppressed; the policy of conquest met with the approval of the desert tribes; the city dwellers were pleased by Mohammed’s encouragement of commerce; and the superstitious were flattered by ceremony and ritualism.”

Source: John G. Jackson. Introduction to African Civilizations. pg. 167-168. 1970.

“A better word to use than separation is independence. This word separation is misused. The thirteen colonies separated from England but they called it the Declaration of Independence; they don’t call it the Declaration of Separation, they call it the Declaration of Independence. When you’re independent of someone you can separate from them. If you can’t separate from them it means you’re not independent of them.” — Malcolm X

Source: Malcolm X. By Any Means Necessary. pg. 9. Interview with A. B. Spellman on March 19, 1964, published in the May 1964 issue of Monthly Review.

“[T]hose of the God YWH carefully forgetting the fact that the source of their religious belief is still in the teachings of the Nile Valley Africans MYSTERIES SYSTEM of the Grand Lodge of Luxor — which taught that: ‘IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE WORD.’ Whose ‘WORD?’ This biblical concept was uttered by the Africans who worshipped the Sun God — RA, AMEN-RA, PTAH-RA, etc. for thousands upon thousands of years before there was a Hebrew God named YWH [Jehovah]. Said teaching is still present in the BOOK OF THE COMING FORTH BY DAY AND BY NIGHT [Egyptian Book of the Dead and Papyrus of Ani].”

Source: Dr. Yosef ben-Jochannan. The Myth of Genesis and Exodus and the Exclusion of their African Origins. pg. 4. 1974.

“The task is not welcome in the sense that I am taking an unpopular stand against the teachings which my parents and other loveones taught me…believing that they were imparting…’THE ONLY TRUTH THERE IS ABOUT HOW MANKIND ORIGNATED’…But, they were quite innocent of any wrongdoing for so teaching me, though they were in error of the facts, since they did not know of the existing evidence and facts quite to the contrary. It is certainly those who knew better — rabbis, priests, minsters, theologian and countless others who have taken it upon themselves to speak in the name of their respective God-head [Jehovah, Jesus Christ or Al’lah, etc.] had equally, for sometime during my youth, steered me down the same ‘blind alley’ of total RELIGIOUS BIGOTRY and RACIAL PREJUDICE against my own self and my indigenous African traditions and heritage, in preference for my imposed European and European-American [WHITE WESTERN] civilization; all of this inspite of the fact that even in the so-called “Sacred Writings of God” the setting of God’s dramas always included Africa’s Punt, Kush [or Ethiopia], Nubia, Meroe and Egypt.”

Source: Dr. Yosef ben-Jochannan. The Myth of Genesis and Exodus and the Exclusion of their African Origins. pg. 2. 1974.

Muhammad Ali on Race & why he became a Muslim.

Excerpt from October 17, 1971 interview with Michael Parkinson.