Tagged: Alexandria

watch the History Channel’s documentary on The Egyptian Book of the Dead.

Part One:

Part Two:

The book is actually called The Book of the Coming Forth By Day and By Night. Although many of the actors depicting the Egyptians in this documentary are not black, just know that in ancient times, the original peoples of this land were black.


“And we are told that an African from Egypt by the name of Moses, born in the city of Goshen, been given [the ten commandments]…but we can find that there was no Moses on Mt. Horep in the Sinai to receive any ten commandments that had not been given before or written before in Egypt because you could go in the Book of Coming Forth By Day and By Night and see in what is called the Osirian drama, not only those ten [commandments], but 32 more [commandments] [for] a total of 42 [commandments] which you can also go in the temple Ramses VI in the Valley of the Kings, across from what is today called Luxor, and in that tomb, you would see the 42 listed commandments or otherwise [known] as [the] Negative Confessions 2,000 years before the birth of Moses. But they told you that Moses was an Egyptian, taught in school in Egypt and became a priest in the system. Could you have been born in the United States of America, went to kindergarten, then elementary school, junior high school, then high school and never heard of the United States Constitution? It was equally impossible for Moses to be born in Egypt, go to school in Egypt, study an Egyptian system, study God Amon-Ra and never once heard of the 42 Negative Confessions which have in it ‘I have not killed man nor woman’…[If] Moses himself is charged with murder [and] his brother Aaron is charged with theft 40 years before they reached Mt. Sinai, then somebody had a law against theft and against murder before they he reached Mt. Sinai. Where did he get it? But you weren’t taught anything about this. All of this information had been suppressed at a place called the Council of [inaudible] and the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. when Constantine, the Roman emperor, conquered North Africa, took over the role of the Christian church which started in Alexandria with Tantius and Boethius — not in Rome. But this too you have not been taught.” — Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan

In the clip that I saw, Dr. Jochannan mentions another Council that was involved in suppressing this information, but I couldn’t make it what he said!! 😔 😤😖😫

“We may question the burning of the famous library at Alexandria, but not the looting and destruction of the library at the University of Cordoba after the Christian conquest of Islam in Spain. Destruction and the worst collective crimes have always been committed by humanity in the name of faith. Everyone is convinced that he possesses the only truth, but the great truth is accorded only to very rare men devoid of prejudice, exemplary in honesty and discretion. For truth at that level brings with it also a power not intended for everyone. We see today what evil has resulted from the vulgarization of ordinary knowledge, divulged under the aegis of a ‘liberal’ orientation.”

Source: R. A. Schwaller De Lubicz. Sacred Science. pg. 47-48. 1961.

The Black Pharaohs: Conquerors of Ancient Egypt [National Geographic, February 2008]


A few months after this issue was published, I graduated with my Masters in Music Business from the University of Miami. For the first twenty-three years of my life, I had been taught by majority white teachers and professors and excelled academically as one of the few black males in my [honors and AP] classes, but I was never  once taught anything about Africa’s rich history and its overall contributions to civilization — even in my introductory African American Studies course in college!

It was until after leaving William Morris in April 2010 and trying to understand why racism existed in the world, that I started discovering the truth about the history of my ancestors. I am disgusted that I am more than $100,000.00 in student loan debt, only to be indoctrinated with a false and distorted version of history and beliefs (“European intellectual imperialism”) which ultimately perpetuates the myth and maintains the illusion of white superiority . This is a major reason why so many whites remain so ignorant today and why our education ranking compared with the rest of the world, continues to decline.

Like Lauryn said: “Unlearn, and let your mind be retaught.” We must liberate our minds, because a lot of facts have been intentionally withheld from us and as long as we are taught by whites a false, incomplete and/or limited version of history, this problem will never go away due to the fact that we will never be able to understand and see the problem for what it truly is. Just imagine if children were not taught that the history of the African started with slavery, but were instead taught the truth, like the fact that Africans “civilized” the Greeks and Romans and actually roamed the Americas before Columbus, it would automatically destroy any notion that the white race is innately superior because of the color of their skin or that this wicked and destructive group of people “saved” or “civilized” us.

Although these facts have been known before this magazine was published, six years have now elapsed and this pertinent history is still being omitted from the classroom. If the United States of America  is not racist and white Americans harbor no ill will towards us, why not teach the truth? Do you agree or am I misguided? If you agree, then you probably understand why I am advocating for a “war on racism” because we have ALL been, and still are being, lied to at the end of the day. Race is social and legal construct thta is “relentlessly relevant” in our society and one cannot try to be “colorblind” — you have to be “race conscious” to understand many of the problems that plague our nation today.

I have yet to read what the National Geographic had to say about the black pharaohs, but I decided to scan some of the images that accompanied the article so you can see that the ancient Egyptians and Nubians (as well as their Gods) were melanated peoples and were NOT white.


