Tagged: activating higher consciousness

“Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds. Have no fear for atomic energy, cause none of them can stop the time. How long shall they kill our prophets, while we stand aside and look? Some say it’s just a part of it, we’ve got to fulfill the book…” — Bob Marley

Source: Bob Marley. “Redemption Song.” Uprising1980.

completed reading.


Shit is going to hit the fan next month if it is true that Darren Wilson will be acquitted of all wrongdoing in the shooting of the unarmed teen Michael Brown….Next month will be a pivotal moment in American history and the events that will follow after the verdict is announced will have a tremendous impact on the future of “race relations” in our country. There is no question about it.

More than 400 years ago, my ancestors were stripped of their language, families, religions, culture, etc. and brought to this country and over the last 60 years, majority of African Americans have spent a considerable amount of time denying and/or being ignorant to their own history/greatness in order to integrate and assimilate into a society/culture that explicitly and/or implicitly believes that we are inferior and have no rights to which they ultimately bound to respect. Some whites ignorant of history falsely believe they are “God’s chosen people” while others pray to a white Christian Jesus/God that is also racist. Smh. In additional to a number of other reasons, it should be no surprise that many of the gains made during the civil rights movement have been eviscerated. As blatant forms of white racism continues to rise, our President — who is of color, highly intelligent, was once taught by critical race theorist Derrick Bell at Harvard Law, etc. — has also refused to address the root of the problem.  The irony….

Racism is embedded into the DNA of AmeriKKKa’s culture and and the white collective (and brainwashed blacks) continues to ignore the problem and pretend that racism doesn’t exist. At the end of the day, we are all victims global white supremacy (racism) if our worldviews are intentionally being shaped on a number of myths, lies and half-truths. Thus, President Obama’s “I am not the President of black America” rhetoric doesn’t apply since this is a human rights issue. Until people of African descent collectively recognize global white supremacy (racism) for what it truly is, whites are going to continue to chip away at the rights that they gave us until we wake up one day, and receive the news that we are enslaved again.

“‘Although surveys reflect disapproval of the way Congress, the President, and the Supreme Court are conducting their affairs, the Annenberg survey demonstrates that many know surprisingly little about these branches of government,’ said Kathleen Hall Jamieson, director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center (APPC). ‘This survey offers dramatic evidence of the need for more and better civics education.'”

Source: Annenberg Public Policy Center. “Americans Know Surprisingly Little About Their Government, Study Finds.” September 17, 2014. http://cdn.annenbergpublicpolicycenter.org/wp-content/uploads/Civics-survey-press-release-09-17-2014-for-PR-Newswire.pdf.

“Why were the Nubian and Egyptians already civilized while the rest of the world, especially all Europe, was plunged in barbarism? “

That is a fact which has been observed, not the fruit of imagination. Nor is it a miraculous, inexplicable fact. Accordingly, the historian need not be astonished by it; his role ought to be that of seeking out and presenting plausible explanations for such phenomena.

The same question could be asked about the Greeks as compared with the rest of Europe. After their early contact with the world to the south and cultural exchanges with Egypt and Crete, they escaped barbarism in the twelfth century and became civilized between the twelfth and fifth centuries B.C. With the Etruscans, they remained the only civilized people in all Europe. The other European peoples, farther away from the southern cultural centers, remained steeped in barbarism until the Middle Ages, with the exception of the Latins, who also became civilized by contact with the Etruscans and Greeks.

Obviously, instead of regarding Greek civilization as an unusual and more or less miraculous phenomenon, we can easily explain it by placing it in historical and geographical context. A similar explanation can also be given for Egypto-Nubian civilization.

Concluding the first part of Nations negres et culture, I emphasized that Egyptian civilization did not indicate any racial superiority, but was almost the result of a geographical accident. It was the special character of the Nile Valley that conditioned the politico-social evolution of the peoples who migrated there. The extensiveness of the floods of the Nile forced all the inhabitants of the valley to fact the annual event collectively, to regulate their whole life in its smallest details on the inundation. To survive, each clan had to rid itself early of its selfishness. When the flooding began, no clan was able to meet the situation alone; each need the others’ assistance, the solidarity of all clans for the survival of the community. These were the working conditions that soon led the clans to unite and favored the rise of a central authority to coordinate all social, political, and national activity. Until the invention of geometry, none of the material and intellectual activity of the Egyptians was done for its own sake. In its beginnings geometry was an invention enabling them to locate scientifically the exact boundaries of each inhabitant’s property after the floods. Nowhere was dependence on the geographical setting and the way of life so close. This imperious necessity seems to explain, at least in the essentials, the anteriority of the Egyptians and Nubians on the road to civilization. 

All other peoples, Black of White, who were subjected to less stringent living conditions requiring a less formal collective action, attained civilization later than the Egyptians. Accordingly, why should it be surprising that certain Blacks and certain Whites became civilized while others were in barbarism? Peoples placed in more favorable conditions are civilized earlier than others, whatever their color, independently of their ethnic identity, and that is all. 

Source: Cheikh Anta Diop, The African Origin of Civilization: Myth or Reality, pg. 241-2. 1955.

KMTologist Ashra Kwesi on the African Origins of Spirituality & Christianity.

A few years ago, my barber Yollanda put me onto Dr. Kwesi and his teachings. She gave me this DVD, which captured a debate he had with a African American preacher on the subject of Jesus Christ. The evidence he had to support his arguments moved me to tears. Literally. Glad I just stumbled upon this recent interview. He gives tours of Africa and I would love to some day go visit with him as my guide/teacher.

looking forward to reading James Gustave Speth’s America The Possible.

Here’s an excerpt from the Preface:

This book tells the story of how system change can come to America. At its heart is a vision of an attractive, pleasant, and successful America that is still within our power to realize by mid-century. In this America the Possible, our country will have rejoined the leading nations in realizing social justice and well-being, in building peace and real global security, and in sustaining our planet’s environmental assets both domestically and globally. We will have reclaimed our democracy from what were once quite properly called the “moneyed interests.” And we will have seen a deep transformation in our country’s dominant values and culture.

Now that is all very nice, you might be thinking, but how do we get there? I will endeavor  in this book to chart a course to an America the Possible — a course from today’s decline to tomorrow’s rebirth.

The journey to America the Possible begins when enough Americans have come to some important conclusions. The first is that something is profoundly wrong with our overall political economy — the operating system on which our country now runs. That system is now routinely generating terrible results, and is failing us socially, economically, environmentally, and politically. The second conclusion follows from the first. It is the imperative of system change, of building a new political economy that routinely delivers good results for people and planet.

The third conclusion is that, contrary to what one frequently hears, a better alternative does indeed exist. We certainly do not yet understand all the details of how this alternative will look, and much hard analysis and creative experimentation lie ahead. But we do know enough to have confidence that something much better can be built, and we know enough to start building it.

These conclusions are not today’s conventional wisdom, but more and more people are embracing them. They are the foundation from which the work of system change can move forward. From the vantage point they provide, we can see how the dynamics of fundamental change might emerge. As conditions in our country continue to decline across a wide front, or at best fester as they are, ever-larger numbers of Americans lose faith in the current system and its ability to deliver on the values it proclaims. The system steadily loses support, leading to a crisis and in the environment, grow more numerous and fearsome. In response, progressives of all stripes coalesce, find their voice and their strength, and pioneer the development of a powerful set of new ideas and policy proposals confirming that the path to a better world does indeed exist. Demonstrations and protests multiply, and a popular movement for prodemocracy reform and transformative change is born. At the local level, people and groups plant the seeds of change through a host of innovative initiatives that provide inspirational models of how things might work in a new political economy devoted to sustaining human and natural communities. Sensing the direction in which things are moving, our wiser and more responsible leaders, political and otherwise, rise to the occasion, support the growing movement for change, and frame a compelling story or narrative that makes sense of it all and provides a positive vision of a better America. The movement broadens to become a major national force.

Source: pg. x-xi.

don’t let HISTORY repeat itself! March on Washington planned for August 24, 2013!

It’s been 50 years since the historic March on Washington took place. Unfortunately, many of the gains made as a result of the civil rights movement have been slowly eviscerated thanks to conservative and “liberal” whites over the last 40 years, hence the reason why Martin Luther King, III and “Rev.” Al Sharpton have planned this second march on August 24, 2013. Here are pics from the first March:

Civil Rights Rally

The civil rights leader Martin Luther KI


Although I support their efforts, aren’t we TIRED of marching, engaging in peaceful, non-violent protests and begging whites for equality and rights that are GOD given? Why do we continue to tolerate this shit from these genetically inferior beings? When is enough, enough? Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream has NEVER been realized and that’s a shame because he personified love for ALL of humanity. African Americans must begin to learn from our past (knowing our history is a requirement), develop new strategies to combat this “evil system” and we must no longer be content with cosmetic and superficial change. We must demand CONSEQUENTIAL change or else, things are only going to get worse for the African American community.

For more info: http://nationalactionnetwork.net/mow/.