Tagged: 2015-2014 is declared the Decade for People of African Descent

what if….


African Americans must start thinking politically!! Similar to Obama, none of the politicians who are being mentioned as potential candidates in the 2016 presidential election have addressed nor are they discussing the historical and contemporary issues disparately affecting the African American community. These are things that all of them should have been talking about A LONG TIME AGO so you know when they start addressing the African American community as the year progresses, they are not genuinely concerned about us and they are just trying to get elected into office. As far as I’m concerned, NONE of them deserve our votes!!

It’s time for transformative change! Our nation’s two party political system is nothing more than a bunch of smoke and mirrors, creating the illusion of difference when both parties are dominated by whites who do not respect us or view us equals. We have to start thinking outside of the parameters established by our oppressors and find new and creative ways disrupt the status quo from here on out. Forming our own political party and becoming more politically minded are two ways that we can achieve that goal. Power to the people!!

D’Angelo — “Betray My Heart”

One of my other favorite songs off of D’Angelo’s new album Black Messiah is “Really Love.” I heard the demo a couple years ago and I love the final version. The album’s closer “Another Life” is also amazing! Now, it’s time for Lauryn to feed our souls and bless us with her second studio album!! She just killed her set in Ghana a few days ago and her voice sounded good! It took D 14 years to release his new album and Lauryn is approaching 13. A fan can only wish right? Lol.