Tagged: 1800s

“Some of you can read, such know the advantages of it; you who cannot, strive to acquire that knowledge. — Surely, this knowledge is an object of great importance, were it only for the opportunity it affords of becoming acquainted with that best of books, the Bible. The holy Scriptures of the old and new testament, contain invaluable treasures of instruction, and of comfort…”

This was advice given to Negroes by the American Convention of Abolition Societies, considered “friends of the Negroes” who worked for the “abolition of the slave trade and the destruction of slavery.”  Smh @ them referring the slavemaster’s version of the Bible as the “best of books.” Letting go of religions that were forced upon us and reclaiming the religions of our ancestors seems one of the biggest hurdles for African Americans to do…

Source: American Convention of Abolition Societies. “Advice Given Negroes A Century Ago.” The Journal of Negro History, Vol. 6, No. 1. pg. 107. (January 1921).