“‘There will never be a nigger in SAE!’ chanted a bunch of Biebers from the dark side. The OU frat video released earlier this week shocked the nation. But not me. I never believed the lie of a post-racial America, so new heights of white shittiness don’t surprise me. Instead, my mind went to that kid who still longed to be the unwanted “nigger” in a fraternity where he’d be like Baldwin’s “fly in the buttermilk.” That black boy or girl who has no idea who the hell s/he is, who thinks that finding a home in places like the SAE house might offer some desperately needed sense of belonging. I write this in the hopes of reaching that lost black body floating adrift in the chaos of racial identity — just like I did for much of my life.”

Wow!!! This is going to be a great read!

While reading the quote above, I thought about Chief Judge Loretta A. Preska’s recent visit to Columbia Law School, where she gave a speech about the perceived threat to First Amendment rights taking place on college campuses throughout the U.S. She saw it to to be a problem that schools were crumbling under pressure to the demands of students and rescinding their offers of having divisive and ignorant public figures like Ann Coulter speak at their campuses. Based on her statements, it seems like she would say that the racist speech of the SAE members should be protected/totally acceptable and that the university should not have taken any adverse actions against this predominately all-white fraternity. The reason why? Because she is RACIST! I wanted to ask her a question including a scenario like this, but in a room full of white people, I didn’t want to get all Malcolm X up on her ass. Shouldn’t racist speech, language, THINKING be out right BANNED now that we live in a “post-racial society”? I wish!! Should African American and other non-racist students have to tolerate shit like this from whites when their alleged superiority is based on nothing more than a lie? I don’t think so!!! This shit has got to change…

Source: Kasai Rex. “I Was The Black Guy In A White Frat.” Salon. March 15, 2015. http://www.salon.com/2015/03/16/my_shucking_and_jiving_years_i_was_the_black_guy_in_a_white_frat/.

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