Tagged: whitewash

“Imagine ALL the people sharing ALL the WORLD.” — John Lennon


Always inspired by these Brooklyn streets!

NONE of the Council Members on the Judicial Council for the Second Circuit are African American.

Out of the council’s 13 members, 1 is a Hispanic male [Jose A. Cabranes]. The rest of the members are white [and two of the members have already been informed of my complaints regarding Republican appointed federal judge P. Kevin Castel]. Since the conversation of gender discrimination always seems to trump the conversation of racial discrimination in America, I think it’s important to note that 6 out of the 13 members on the council are white women. Do you think majority of those on this council care if a judge in their district is accused of violating the Constitution, the law, their Judicial Code of Conduct and their Oath of Office in civil rights cases challenging institutionalized and systemic forms of racism, if it’s to the benefit of those who classify themselves as white? This presents yet another uphill battle in the quest for [racial] justice in this racist country dominated and controlled by whites…especially when the last Order rendered by this group was on June 20, 2013 and it was regarding the “questionable travel reimbursement requests” of Circuit Judge Boyce R. Martin of the Sixth Circuit. Just imagine all of the complaints that are being whitewashed. Smh!

Source: http://www.ca2.uscourts.gov/judges/judicial_council.html.

i’m almost certain that P. Kevin Castel’s next Order won’t state that the October 3, 2014 Motion i just submitted was a Fed. R. Civ. P. 60 “Fraud Upon the Court Motion” since he loves to whitewash my arguments so much.