Tagged: two tier justice system based on race

Bernie Sanders before a Los Angeles crowd of more than 15,000: “There’s no president that will fight harder to end institutional racism.”


See! There was a purpose to those recent ambushes by the Black Lives Matter advocates. If not, he probably would not have made this statement yesterday.

Since Bernie was in Los Angeles, a great place for him to start would be to address & eradicate the discriminatory employment and anti-competitive business practices, policies and procedures of Hollywood that prevent qualified African Americans and people of color from being employed at meaningful positions at the various talent agencies, studios, networks, production companies, etc. and having an equal opportunity at achieving the “American dream.”

He’s “Jewish,” so if doesn’t address this problem specifically, then he’s not as serious as he claims.

Source: Ray Carroll. “Bernie Sanders Assures Black Lives Matter Protesters: I’m Your Guy.” The Guardian US. August 11, 2015. http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/aug/11/bernie-sanders-la-rally-black-lives-matter.