Tagged: truth begs to be revealed

“I am not interested in artificial facts claimed by self-appointed masters of my fate. I flip birds to paradigms too cocky to see their own demise. I know that history will have me standing on a side and so with every word, every thought and every story I tell I choose which side I wish to be remembered on…I don’t cast stones. I don’t need to. I simply draw the truth with everything I do, for everyone to see. It’s up to them whether they open their eyes or not. I trust the truth and so I don’t fret over which way will be the most right, I just choose the way that is right for me and let everything else be.” — Chani Nicholas

I used to read AstrologyZone regularly, but I connect with Chani Nicholas’ commentaries and readings so much more! Sometimes, it feels like she’s reading my mind…

Source: http://www.chaninicholas.com.

my g-ma is the personification of love! ever since i can remember, she has ALWAYS believed in me and has always been one of my biggest sources of encouragement! thx g-ma J!


It was great seeing and spending time with my grandma today. Her visit was kind of unexpected, which made seeing her even better! Ever since I was in elementary school, she has described me as being “conscientious.” One definition for the word: “(of a person) wishing to do what is right, especially to do one’s work or duty well and thoroughly.” I think it’s the Virgo in me…

I just found a letter written by the International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution (CPR) opposing the Arbitration Fairness Act. Guess who was and/or still is on the Board of Directors for the CPR???

The same individual who upheld William Morris’ arbitration agreements in manifest disregard of both the law and public policy and then continued to entertain William Morris’ argument that I breached their arbitration agreement by trying to effectuate the public policy goals of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (and additional federal, state and local antidiscrimination laws) in a public forum due to discovering that the company had been engaging in an intentional and egregious 110+ year pattern and [continuing] practice of discrimination against qualified African Americans in employment, as well as all other areas of its business? That’s right! “Judge” Timothy K. Lewis! smh.

I wonder how many “black” people serve on the board of directors for this organization that most people have probably never heard of…

Arbitrator Gregory did the same thing — most likely due to pressures from the AAA — but this is just further demonstration (e.g. he adamantly refused to read any of our pleadings prior to our first conference call, he submitted a notarized letter stating that he did not know any of the family members of the parties when he worked with the wife of one of the attorneys I’m litigating the case against…a wife who just so happens to be an executive at the American Arbitration Association, etc.) to support that Lewis was never impartial.

Click here to read the letter: https://www.cpradr.org/Portals/0/Resources/ArbitrationFairnessActof2009Letter.pdf.

exposing and seeking to eradicate widespread and institutional racism in Hollywood, will never make ME “racist” or “anti-semitic”!

watch this insightful interview with Jim Douglass on the trial surrounding the U.S. gov’t’s role in the assassination of Dr. MLK: “When we have a terrorist threat out there, don’t think Saddam Hussein. Don’t think North Korea. Don’t think Algeria. Think CIA – number one and then go down from there. Certainly there are other terrorist threats besides the government of the United States, but the primary terrorist group in the world today is the same government that assassinated Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and John and Robert Kennedy.”

“…they can make money, but they can’t make melanin.”

The image or concept of the self in the deep recesses of the brain-computer, as programmed through the total environment interacting with the genetic and constitutional base, determines all patterns of symbols, logic, thought, speech, action, emotional response and perception in all areas of people activity. As such, the self-image is the core from which all else evolves in the brain-computer. Thus, the deep self-image is the key concern of the psychiatrist.

Why should one focus on deep symbols? What do we achieve through symbol analysis and understanding? Truth  cannot be concealed. Truth is “that which is.” It is specific energy in the universe. It literally begs to be revealed, especially when hypocrisy and deceit — distorted statements of “that which is” — move towards domination. Truth then reveals itself, speaks and surfaces through the symbol. The symbol is the form through which a highly dynamic idea or concept can “tunnel” underground through the unconscious to be expressed. The symbol is the product of environmental energy condensation.

R. Schwaller de Lubicz in his book, Symbol and the Symbolic, explains: “…that true progress in human though can be made only if we call upon the ‘symbolizing’ faculty of human intelligence, the faculty developed and refined in the Temple Culture of ancient Egypt and reflected in the hieroglyphics that have come down to us undisturbed. The mentality of ancient Egypt helps to free us from our present intellectual impasse, while ‘symbolism’ must be recognized for what it is: the intuitive means of overcoming the limitations of reason and achieving a higher human.”

Schwaller de Lubicz also indicates… “Egypt and other cultures grounded in the symbolic method, were indeed, through symbols, educating the neurological structures of the brain to maintain an active, conscious connection not only between the bilateral lobes of the cerebral cortex, but also with the impulses and subliminal information received from the ancient and deeper limbic and reptilian centers, so that these aspects of our nature could be integrated into the activity of our reasoning mind.”

Symbols and the decoding of symbols has yet to become a major area of interest and study in Western civilization. This is regrettable at one level, yet very understandable at a deeper level. Decoding the symbol is an activity not unlike that of the physical scientist who places matter or living substance under the lens of a light microscope or an electromiscroscope for the purpose of gaining deeper insight into and understanding of the structure and function of that matter. In both instances (decoding the symbol and examining matter under the microscope), the process of investigation serves to refine our knowledge and influence our behavior in the universe. Decoding the symbol also leads to a deeper understanding of the self, and so frees the self. There are few who would argue that in-depth knowledge is not superior to knowledge of the surface alone.

The process of decoding and visualizing the symbol does not require the aid of a device beyond the human body, such as the microscope. Such a process requires first and foremost the activity of the right cerebral hemisphere and those sensory, neuro-chemical channels that feed primarily into this area of the human brain computer. As a theoretical extension , I am convinced that the neuropigment melanin plays a crucial role in this right cerebral hemisphere sensory, neurochemical system. 

Melanin acts as an energy-data absorbing biological pigment in the nervous system leading specifically to the right cerebral hemisphere. Melanin as a neuropigment has the capacity to absorb levels of energy activity the spectrum of energy frequencies processed by the five traditional senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell) recognized in Western civilization, the civilization evolved by the white skinned collective who lacks any substantial quality of melanin skin and nervous system pigmentation and likewise, who has a lesser energy-data gathering capacity.

Source: Dr. Frances Cress-Welsing, The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors, pp. 193-195. 1991.