Tagged: stevie wonder

“The great irony of our time is that in the age of Obama the grand Black prophetic tradition is weak and feeble. Obama’s Black face of the American empire has made it more difficult for Black courageous and radical voices to bring critique to bear on the U.S. empire. On the empirical or lived level of Black experience, Black people have suffered more in this age than in the recent past. Empirical indices of infant mortality rates, mass incarceration rates, mass unemployment and dramatic declines in household wealth reveal this sad reality. How do we account for this irony? It goes far beyond the individual figure of President Obama himself, though he is complicit; he is a symptom, not a primary cause. Although he is a symbol for some of either a postracial condition or incredible Black progress, his presidency conceals the escalating levels of social misery in poor and Black America.” — Cornel West

Source: Cornel West. “Cornel West: The state of Black America in the age of Obama has been one of desperation, confusion and capitulation.” Slate. October 5, 2014. http://www.salon.com/2014/10/05/cornel_west_the_state_of_black_america_in_the_age_of_obama_has_been_one_of_desperation_confusion_and_capitulation/.

“I challenge America, I challenge the world, to let hatred go, to let racism go,” Wonder told the sold-out audience at Madison Square Garden on Thursday night. “That is the only way we will win as a nation and the world.”

Source: Nekesa Mumbi Moody. “Stevie Wonder Mixes Politics with Music in ‘Songs in the Key of Life’ Tour Kickoff.” AP. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/11/10/stevie-wonder-songs-in-the-key-of-life-tour-kickoff_n_6132428.html?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000047.

Jazmine REUNITES with Stevie Wonder!!


What another incredible moment for Jazmine! While out in L.A. to perform at Tyler Perry’s birthday party, Jazmine stopped by Stevie Wonder’s radio station to promote her new single and upcoming album. Little did she know, that Mr. Wonder was also in the building! I was told that Stevie joined in on the interview, discussing how he met Jazmine when she was under the age of 10 and how she was invited to perform at Stevie’s grandson’s birthday party! Now, more than 15 years later, their paths crossed once again, with Stevie saying that he’s been following her career ever since. 🙂 After the interview, the two musical prodigies had a little impromptu session. #legendary

A clip of Jaz & Stevie performing “My Cherie Amour”: http://instagram.com/p/s4dopovqWE/.