Tagged: stereotype

“To be successful as a black man in this country, you have to be bicultural. White people can function in a white world and only concern themselves with white things. But a black man has to know it all.” — Arsenio Hall

Source: Joslyn Pine. Book of African-American Quotations. 2011.

“A people’s world-view effects and tends to determine their behavior. A Universe understood totally in materialistic, rationalistic terms will discourage spirituality. An ethos characterized by a will-to-power, by the need to control, will derive pleasure from a technical order, from conflict (war), from winning (destroying), and exploitation. Diasporic Africans are forced to ask, and to answer the question, ‘what happens when a people are forced to live (survive) within a culture based on a world-view that is oppressive to their ethos?'” – Marimba Ani

That’s some deep shit right there…I hope all people of African descent wake the fuck up and understand what’s really going on in the world right now….

Source: Dana Marimba Richards. Let the Circle Be Unbroken: The Implications of African Spirituality in the Diaspora. 1994. http://www.amazon.com/Let-Circle-Unbroken-Implications-Spirituality/dp/0932415253.

“…Africa is rich. Africa is populous. Africa is the place where most of the world’s untapped natural resources and fertile land lie waiting to be exploited. And ultimately it will be Africans who will reap the benefits. According to estimates by the UN, over the next 100 years Africa’s total population will quadruple. At the same time, the continent’s share of the world economy is expected to double. The GDP of African nations is now growing by more than 4 percent a year. Because most, if not all, major land-based resource discoveries will take place on a continent roughly three times the size of the United States, the possibilities are truly endless. So the stereotype that Africa is ‘poor,’ ‘backward,’ and ‘scary’ should be challenged.”

Source:  Vice Magazine. “The Dark Continent.” Volume 21, Number 4. April 2014.