Tagged: retaliation

“A jury has awarded a former employee of Roscoe’s House of Chicken ‘n Waffles more than $1 million in damages after he sued the popular restaurant chain alleging racial discrimination and wrongful termination. Daniel Beasley, a black man, filed a racial discrimination and wrongful-termination suit against the soul food chain that’s popular with celebrities, including Snoop Dogg and Larry King. ‘It’s owned by an African American owner, but he gives full authority to the Hispanics to run it,’ Beasley said. According to Beasley’s lawsuit, managers at the restaurant on Pico Boulevard harassed him for being black and gave preferential treatment to Latino employees, including better schedules. The grandfather from Compton says he complained to human resources and the company’s owner, but nothing was done. He was later fired for what he says was retaliation.”

Fuck this place! I don’t care how good the food is or if the owner of the restaurant is black, we have to stop supporting those who don’t support and have love for us. It’s that simple.

Source: “Jury Awards Ex-Employee Of Roscoe’s Chicken N’ Waffles $1.6M In Race Discrimination Suit.” CBS. September 9, 2015. http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2015/09/09/jury-awards-ex-roscoes-chicken-n-waffles-employee-1-6m-in-race-discrimination-suit/.

“A black official in the [Michael] Bloomberg administration, who claimed she was fired in retaliation for investigating and complaining about cronyism by white officials, has settled her case against New York City for $225,000. Special Hagan was hired as senior director of equal employment opportunity in the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications in August 2010. In her pro se complaint filed in the Southern District, she alleged that Carole Post, the department’s commissioner, discriminated against her on the basis of her race, primarily by maintaining an environment of cronyism that resulted in preferential treatment for white patronage appointees.”

This is great news to wake up to: An African American pro se plaintiff [in the Southern District of New York] who prevailed in a racial discrimination lawsuit against her former employer!! Pretty stupid to retaliate against someone who is trying to help you comply with the Civil Rights Act of 1964!!! Congrats Special!!!!!

Source: Ben Bedell. “New York City To Pay $225K To Settle Discrimination Suit.” Law.com. September 8, 2015. http://www.law.com/sites/articles/2015/09/08/new-york-city-to-pay-225k-to-settle-discrimination-suit/#ixzz3lFFCdFx5.

“WHERE [THE FUCK] ARE YOU?” read former CIA officer Jeffrey Sterling’s letter to our so-called civil rights leaders & organizations in the U.S. 

Dear NAACP, National Action Network, Rainbow PUSH Coalition, Congressional Black Caucus and others:

Where were you?

Where were you when I was faced with blatant discrimination at my job, when my employer told me I was “too big and too black” to do the job?

Where were you when I, one of the first black officers to do so, filed a discrimination suit against the Central Intelligence Agency?

Where were you when the justice system of the United States dismissed my discrimination suit because the U.S. government maintained that trying my suit would endanger national security?

Where were you during the many years I reached out to you, begging, pleading for help from you while the United States government pursued and tormented me for years, bent on retaliation and persecution?

Where were you when I begged for help from Congressman Lacy Clay’s office and they told me to run away, to leave the country? I was there … and I didn’t run.

Where were you when the United States government arrested me, put me in jail and branded me with espionage?

Where were you when the United States put me — the only person and only black face investigated over a 10-year period of time — on trial in federal court on Espionage Act charges, claiming that I am a traitor to national security? When the prosecution used against me the same issues from my discrimination case that I had not been allowed to pursue in civil court? When a jury without a single black member found me guilty, even when the FBI itself said there was no evidence?

Where were you when a white official, Gen. David Petraeus — accused of far more violations than I — was given a slap on the wrist?

Where were you when Archbishop Desmond Tutu spoke up for me?

Where were you when the judge sentenced me to prison for 42 months?

I have seen you around.

I saw you when Michael Brown lay dead in the street only a few miles from my home.

I saw you when other black faces were either killed or mistreated. I was out there, too.

I felt the joy and promise of the Million Man March. I felt the joy and the promise when the first black president was elected. I was there with you then.

Though I am invisible to you, others, many others, see me and see the injustice that I have endured for a very long time. Have you not read the editorials, articles and commentaries?

I am now in prison for a crime I did not commit.

The many others I speak of do not claim to be mighty advocates for civil rights on the same level as you, but they are there and have been with me, and will be with me as I appeal. And, they will be with me when I am free.

Where are you?

This is fucked up on so many levels! The NAACP, Congressional Black Caucus and other so-called civil rights organizations have ignored my pleas for help as well so I feel this brother’s pain. If racism was eradicated, there wouldn’t be a real need for organizations like the NAACP, so they are willing to fight only but so far because it’s not in their interest to fight against or support those seeking to eradicate institutional, structural and systemic forms of racism in our society.

Free Jeffrey Sterling!!!!!!!!!!!

Source: Jeffrey Sterling. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. August 13, 2015. http://m.stltoday.com/news/opinion/an-open-letter-to-civil-rights-groups-in-the-u/article_046e6e8f-dcae-568b-8da9-73704d8a4017.html.

“It is clear that the Nassar ‘but for’ causation standard signals a victory to employers and will alter the future of retaliation claims.”

Source: Michael Kraemer. “Retaliation Lawsuits Under Title VII Post Nassar.” Law.com. December 23, 2014.  http://www.law.com/sites/michaelkraemer/2014/12/23/retaliation-lawsuits-under-title-vii-post-nassar/#ixzz3OuYtNuRd.

“In an email sent to Sony’s top lawyer and other high ranking executives at the company, one former employee alleges a workplace of horrors, filled with sexual harassment, racism, verbal abuse and gender bias. An unnamed African-American woman who worked for Keith Le Goy, President of International Distribution at Sony Pictures Television, claims she and other African-American coworkers were passed over for promotions in favor of less experienced Caucasian employees, that she was the victim of frequent expletive-laden verbal attacks and she alleges that Le Goy sexually harassed her on multiple occasions.”


Is this guy “Jewish” or is he mixed? The dreads are throwing me off. Lol. I read this lady’s e-mails and she’s too detailed to be lying. This guy sounds like he’s a real douche. Even if he was the nicest boss in the world, it is clear that Sony’s employment practices, policies and procedures are creating a disparate impact against qualified African Americans from being hired and/or promoted to meaningful positions at Sony Pictures — like most of the studios, networks and talent agencies in Hollywood. Time for this woman to lawyer up (she probably already has) because she definitely has a case under Title VII, Section 1981, NYSHRL and NYCHRL!

Source: Chris Spargo. “Sony Employee Alleges Rampant Workplace Racism in Leaked Email Days After Studio Head Amy Pascal’s Racist Email Exchange About President Obama Went Public.” December 12, 2014.  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2871867/Sony-employee-alleges-rampant-workplace-racism-leaked-email-days-studio-head-Amy-Pascal-s-racist-email-exchange-President-Obama-went-public.html; See also, Sam Biddle. “Email Alleges Racism and Sexual Harassment Horror at Sony.” Gawker. December 12, 2014. http://gawker.com/leaked-email-alleges-racism-and-sexual-harassment-horro-1670318085.

“If an employee proves either intentional or disparate impact employment discrimination [under Title VII] in court, remedies are extensive. They include back pay and other actual monetary damages the employee has incurred, injunctions and other equitable relief to stop the unlawful employment practice in the future, attorneys’ fees, and expert fees. If the employee proves intentional discrimination, the employee may also receive compensatory damages such as money for “pain and suffering” and punitive damages up to $300,000 to punish the employer for the wrongful conduct.”

Source: Sidney Charlotte Reynolds. “Closing a Discrimination Loophole: Using Title VII’s Anti-Retaliation Provision to Prevent Employers from Requiring Unlawful Arbitration Agreements as Conditions of Continued Employment.” 76 Wash. L. Rev. 957, 964. (2001).

“[C]ourts have observed that between the time an employee signs the [mandatory arbitration agreement] and the time it is invalidated, the MAA undermines Title VII by shielding employers from the full force of its provisions.”

Source: Sidney Charlotte Reynolds. “Closing a Discrimination Loophole: Using Title VII’s Anti-Retaliation Provision to Prevent Employers from Requiring Unlawful Arbitration Agreements as Conditions of Continued Employment.” 76 Wash. L. Rev. 957, 958. (2001).

“Available social science evidence actually shows that employees are reluctant to believe that they have been discriminated against and are reluctant to complain formally. For example, Professors Deborah Brake and Joanna Grossman’s work illustrates that only a small percentage of women who experience harassment in the workplace file a formal complaint with their employer. People are reluctant to make discrimination claims because they fear retaliation.”

Source: Sandra F. Sperino and Suja A. Thomas. Fakers and Floodgates. Stanford Journal of Civil Rights & Civil Liberties. pg. 240. June 2014.

“In Nassar, the Supreme Court determined the causal standard that a plaintiff is required to establish in Title VII retaliation cases. Nassar required the Court to make a choice between three possible interpretations of Title VII, each reflecting a different choice about Title VII’s text, Court precedent, and the effects of the 1991 amendments to Title VII’s retaliation provisions. The Court held that plaintiffs in Title VII retaliation cases were required to establish ‘but for’ cause. This choice favors employers because it requires the plaintiff to bear the burden of persuasion related to causation and makes that causal burden a ‘but for’ standard, rather than the less onerous ‘motivating factor’ standard. Indeed, in an earlier Title VII case, the Court noted that to require the plaintiff to establish ‘but for’ cause would mean that many plaintiffs would be unable to prevail, even though their protected traits played a role in an employment outcome.”

Source: Sandra F. Sperino and Suja A. Thomas. Fakers and Floodgates. Stanford Journal of Civil Rights & Civil Liberties. pg. 226-227. June 2014.

“A legal loophole has developed where some employers seek explicitly or implicitly to exempt themselves from Title VII’s provisions by drafting [mandatory arbitration agreements] that eliminate [a person of color’s full] statutory rights and remedies…”

It’s funny to read this, because I argued in my March 2011 Opp. Motion to Arbitration that based on the company’s century-plus pattern and continuing practice of intentionally excluding qualified African Americans from being hired and/or promoted to Agent, Coordinator and Agent Trainee (as demonstrated by the New York office’s modern day inexorable zero when I began employment), William Morris’ arbitration agreements were nothing more than a “savvy, legal loophole” to avoid an impartial jury. Now, I discover an article written in 2001, where the author essentially uses the same phrase to describe some employer’s arbitration agreements due to the fact that “some employers” have and still are strategically using this agreement as a deceptive way to exempt themselves from Title VII’s provisions.

Clearly, if a company is intentionally maintaining a racially segregated workforce (e.g. William Morris Endeavor Entertainment) and their attorneys can never provide a “legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason” or demonstrate a “business justification” for maintaining employment practices, policies and/or procedures that create a disparate impact against qualified African Americans and people of color, then that company is clearly going to want potential claims of racial discrimination made by token minorities out of the court so that the merits will never have a chance at being decided by “the people” — an impartial jury that will most likely not be all-white. It is unconscionable that William Morris can be allowed to act in complete defiance of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, but it’s even more unconscionable that they make employees of color enter into agreements as a condition of employment that eliminate their full statutory rights and remedies by having cases decided in a privitized, quasi-judicial forum that’s pro-employer or repeat player. Unconscionability magnifies when federal judges judges within our nation’s white/”Jewish” controlled judiciary flout the antiscrimination laws themselves and enforce their mandatory, pre-dispute arbitration agreements when in most cases, the employee has little to no bargaining power and most likely has no idea what arbitration is. The icing on the unconscionable cake comes when after three years of litigating and arbitrating your case, you learn that one of the opposing attorneys — Christian Carbone of Loeb & Loeb LLP — is married to an executive — Sasha Angelique Carbone — that works at the supposedly “neutral” arbitral forum [the American Arbitration Association] that ended up dismissing my case with “prejudice and on the merits” after unlawfully disqualifying the original arbitrator who concluded that I proved by a “preponderance of the evidence” that “William Morris Endeavor Entertainment LLC discriminated against [me] in violation of pertinent federal, state, and local law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race” and indicated that I would receive the full gamut of monetary damages which was to be determined during phase 2 of our bifurcated proceeding. [When I filed my Demand for Arbitration with the American Arbitration Association, I sought $125 million.]

As a result of the immense fraud that William Morris, Loeb & Loeb LLP and their co-conspirators have engaged in, William Morris has never had to face any repercussions for their unlawful employment practices, policies and procedures since this law was passed 50 years ago and based on the decisions of Republican appointed federal judges Robert P. Patterson and P. Kevin Castel of the Southern District of New York (as well as federal judges in the Second Circuit and Supreme Court), they and other tortfeasors who are maintaining employment practices in violation of Title VII, will never have to fully comply with the various federal, state and local laws prohibiting discrimination in employment and conspiracies to monopolize on the basis of race. Smh.

Source: Sidney Charlotte Reynolds. “Closing a Discrimination Loophole: Using Title VII’s Anti-Retaliation Provision to Prevent Employers from Requiring Unlawful Arbitration Agreements as Conditions of Continued Employment.” 76 Wash. L. Rev. 957. (2001).