Tagged: real life

The conclusions contained in the longitudinal study Discrimination and Desegregation: Equal Opportunity Progress in U.S. Private Sector Workplaces mirror the workplace trends of William Morris over the past four decades. This study was one of the “first to produce long-time trends on workplace equal employment outcomes” by comparing the fates of black, white, Hispanic and Asian men and women over a period of 36 years (from 1966 through 2002). The researchers concluded: “…from documenting these basic trends..while almost all workplaces have incorporated women and racial/ethnic minorities as employees, status segregation within workplaces remain very high, white males continue to have advantaged access to the best quality jobs, most racial progress in EEO stalled after 1980, and white women seem to have benefited the most from the struggles for EEO.”

i have $27 in my account, “unemployed” for more than 3 years and i’m more than $100,000 in student loan debt. #fml