Tagged: racism is embedded in the DNA of American society

watch RICHARD PRYOR explain why his trip to AFRICA made him stop using the word “NIGGER.” [a must watch for black people]

“The worst disease under which the society of our nation suffers, is, in my opinion, the treatment of the Negro. Everyone who is not used from childhood to this injustice suffers from the mere observation. Everyone who freshly learns of this state of affairs at a maturer age, feels not only the injustice, but the scorn of the principle of the Fathers ho founded the United States that ‘all men are created equal.’ He feels that this state of affairs is unsound in a country which in many other things is justly proud of a high degree of development. He cannot understand how men can feel superior to fellow-men who differ in only one point from the rest: They descend from ancestors who, as a protection against the destructive action of the radiation of the tropical sun, gained a more strongly pigmented skin than those whose ancestors lived in countries farther from the equator. One can hardly believe that a reasonable man can cling so tenaciously to such a prejudice, and there is sure to come a time in which school-children in their history lessons will laugh about the fact that something like this did once exist.”

Source: Message to the National Urban League Convention, September 16, 1946.