Tagged: race problem

“It is impossible for the United States government to solve the race problem. It’s impossible for a government which has 16 senatorial committees over which 10 are chairmaned by Southern segregationists and 20 congressional committees over which 12 are chairmaned by Southern segregationists. This is a segregationist, racist government that’s controlled by people from the South — they can’t solve the race problem.” – Malcolm X

NO BUENO! it was just announced that Attorney General Eric Holder is officially RESIGNING!! smdh.

This is sad on a number of levels. Although I feel Holder could have done more in the area of civil and human rights, I understand that there was only so much he could do within a historically white-controlled government. One cannot say that race is not relevant in the United States of America if Holder became the first African American Attorney General in the history of our nation (out of a total of 82) and was appointed to that position by our country’s “first black” President Barack H. Obama.

I would agree with the New York Times’ statement that Holder was one of the “most prominent liberal” voices in Obama’s administration, so if he leaves and Obama continues to remain silent about institutionalized, structural, systemic and social forms of white racism that are still taking place present day and destroying the black community [which has been acknowledged recently by the United Nations while President Obama still continues to avoid the issue], then it is highly unlikely that the next Attorney General will do any more than Holder in the area of civil and human rights, especially if they are white. I hope somebody proves me wrong, but if Congress [which is dominated by racist, ideologically conservative and highly ignorant white males] has anything to do with making that decision, there’s no possible way that they will appoint someone as “liberal” as Holder. And thus…the cycle continues…which means that until the cycle is eradicated entirely, things are only going to get worse, especially for African Americans.

It also seems like he wants and/or somebody wants him to get the fuck out of there, so I also wonder if Holder will have enough time to follow through on the promise he made to Mike Brown’s parents before he exits…

Source: Matt Appuzo. “Eric Holder Resigning As Attorney General.”  September 25, 2014. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/26/us/politics/eric-holder-resigning-as-attorney-general.html.

“Civil righters go nowhere because they refuse to accept the radical nature of the race problem (that is, the race problem is at the very root of this society and there is a vital relationship between capitalism and racism). At this juncture, Negro civil rights leadership is effectively tied either to the Democratic Party coalition or the ‘progressive Republicans.’ All the civil righters can do in such a position is to seek imaginary reforms, or a kind of progress which does not deal with the social, cultural realities of our times, or does not affect the present power order”

Source: Charles E. Wilson, “Leadership: Triumph in Leadership Tragedy.” Malcolm X: The Man and His Times. 1990. pg. 39.