Tagged: race-mixing

“The Arab conquest of North Africa was completed in 708, when Musa-ibn-Nusair subdued all of Morocco except Ceuta, which was under the rule of the Byzantine governor, Count Julian. But Ceuta did not hold out long, for Count Julian was on bad terms with Roderick, King of the Visigoths in Spain, and decided to help the Arab general and his Moorish allies to invade the Iberian peninsula. Julian had sent his daughter to visit the court of King Roderick at Toledo in Spain. The Visigoth monarch took advantage of Count Julian’s daughter, Florinda; and Julian decided as a measure of revenge to aid and abet an African invasion of Spain.”

Source: John G. Jackson. Introduction to African Civilizations. pg. 170. 1970.

“Thomas Jefferson was fully aware of what the long-term impact of enslavement would be on white people and black people and everyone in between that were confused. He talked about the horror associated with what slave masters did and that their children imitated the behavior among their friends and younger children that were enslaved. And that that built into a sickness on the part of Europeans and hatred and antipathy on the part of Africans. [Jefferson’s] greatest fear is that it would end in [the] extermination of one or the other race. He says because God cannot side with us — meaning Europeans — in this contest. He cannot side with us, which means God will side with them. He says, ‘I tremble for my country when I consider that God is just and that His justice cannot sleep forever.’ So Thomas Jefferson not only knew at the time, the wrongness associated [with slavery] and recognized the long-term impact that it would it would have. These are his words — I’m not making this up. But somehow, it gets absent of the curriculum. Somehow, it gets removed and we talk about all the other things that he was able to expound upon. And I think that if we’re talking about healing, if we’re talking about a response, we have to look and understand historically, how the injury transmitted itself [and] what it looks like then [and] now and then contrast that with Africa.” — Dr. Joy De Gruy

“[U]ntil recently, there has been very little acknowledgement of the fact that the human family was a single human family. A few years ago, a hundred years or so ago, there were many theories about the fact that human beings actually started separately in different places on the Earth — that black people started in Africa, white people started in Europe, yellow people started in Asia. [A] polycentric, polygenetic theory — many origins for human beings. Well, I think that’s been pretty thoroughly discredited now and as they began to search for what we call a monogenetic origin or a single origin for all people, that there’s really only one human family and that’s what I think almost everybody believes right now. [A]s they began to search for this one source of the human family, the chauvinism of the people who were doing the searching (at the time those doing the searching were European)…they wanted this human family to originate in Europe or they wanted its fullest development to be European, so they began to search in Europe for ancient fossil finds, ancient bones. Never were really able to go back that far. In fact, as far as they were only able to go back was about 500,000 years. Then the search for this human ancestor shifted to Asia and it was very intensive. The search could only go back to about a million years. And then this search shifted to Africa. They were looking in all these places at the same time but they really wanted to find the oldest bones in Europe, and if not Europe, then Asia, and finally in Africa. And of course, Africa is now recognized by virtually everyone as the home of the human family and it starts back about 5 million years ago. And Africa is not only the home of all the human types — there are six different human types that have been on the Earth — and Africa is the home of all six of those types and the earliest form of each of those types is found on the continent of Africa.” — Dr. Asa Hilliard, III

“[Adolf] Hitler was a stream-lined Machiavelli and past master in behavior psychology. He used race to whip up his people but was no more sincere than he was about Communism, which he opposed or allied himself with as suited his purpose. He said as regards race, ‘I know perfectly well just as all these tremendously clever intellectuals, that in the scientific sense there is no such thing as a race…But I, as a politician, need a conception which enables the order which has hitherto existed on historic bases to be abolished…and for this purpose the conception of race serves me well.”

Source: J. A. Rogers. Sex & Race: Vol. 1. pg. 18. 1941.

“We shall see that mankind began as a single family; that the family circle widened and widened until it broke into segments, and with that came the illusion that the segments were no longer parts of the circle. But thanks to mechanical progress and the spread of knowledge the segments are coming together again; the various ends are being united; the cycle is being completed; and a single understanding family is once more being formed. Already among men of goodwill in many parts of the world this understanding, this sense of unity, exists.”

Source: J. A. Rogers. Sex & Race: Volume 1. Foreword. August 1, 1952.

“In 1924, the State of Virginia attempted to define what it means to be white. The state’s Racial Integrity Act, which barred marriages between whites and people of other races, defined whites as people ‘whose blood is entirely white, having no known, demonstrable or ascertainable admixture of the blood of another race.’ There was just one problem. As originally written, the law would have classified many of Virginia’s most prominent families as not white, because they claimed to be descended from Pocahontas. So the Virginia legislature revised the act, establishing what came to be known as the ‘Pocahontas exception.’ Virginians could be up to one-sixteenth Native American and still be white in the eyes of the law. People who were one-sixteenth black, on the other hand, were still black.

With all of the race-mixing that occurred throughout the world before Christ, is it possible for a “pure” race to exist?

Source: Carl Zimmer. “White? Black? A Murky Distinction Grows Still Murkier.”  New York Times. December 24, 2014. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014/12/25/science/23andme-genetic-ethnicity-study.html?_r=0.

William Morris client KIM KARDASHIAN pens letter on how motherhood has made her more conscious of the realities of RACISM; vows to help END IT.


I never knew how much being a mom would change me. It’s amazing how one little person and the love I have for her has brought new meaning to every moment. What once seemed so important, now feels insignificant. It’s like I get to see the world for the first time again, but through someone else’s eyes. It’s a beautiful thing to feel and experience so much more, but with that beauty comes a flip side – seeing through my daughter’s eyes the side of life that isn’t always so pretty.

To be honest, before I had North, I never really gave racism or discrimination a lot of thought. It is obviously a topic that Kanye is passionate about, but I guess it was easier for me to believe that it was someone else’s battle. But recently, I’ve read and personally experienced some incidents that have sickened me and made me take notice. I realize that racism and discrimination are still alive, and just as hateful and deadly as they ever have been.

I feel a responsibility as a mother, a public figure, a human being, to do what I can to make sure that not only my child, but all children, don’t have to grow up in a world where they are judged by the color of their skin, or their gender, or their sexual orientation. I want my daughter growing up in a world where love for one another is the most important thing. So the first step I’m taking is to stop pretending like this isn’t my issue or my problem, because it is, it’s everyone’s… because the California teenager who was harassed and killed by his classmates for being gay, the teenage blogger in Pakistan who was shot on her school bus for speaking out in favor of women’s rights, the boy in Florida who was wrongly accused of committing a crime and ultimately killed because of the color of his skin, they are all someone’s son and someone’s daughter and it is our responsibility to give them a voice and speak out for those who can’t and hopefully in the process, ensure that hate is something our children never have to see.

Now that Kim has publicly acknowledged and discussed the realities of global white/”Jewish” supremacy (racism), is she now a racist as well?

Source: http://kimkardashian.celebuzz.com/2014/05/07/on-my-mind/

are the Italians a “pure race”?


This post was inspired after reading about the despicable things that have happened to Italy’s first black Integration Minister, Cecile Kyenge. Since joining the Italian government, she has faced daily racial slurs and threats from her peers. Earlier this month, a senator from the anti-immigration Northern League party likened her to an orangutan and only apologized after a storm of criticism. Most recently, bananas were hurdled at her while she gave a speech. I’m infuriated, not only because of the blatant disrespect shown to Kyenge or the fact the Italian was also once considered to be an “inferior race,” but because the European wouldn’t be where they are today if it weren’t for the African. This is a fact.

Here is an except from J.A. Roger’s Sex & Race Vol. 1 (1952) in which he discusses “race” & the Italian:

As for Mussolini he turned “race” into an even more barefaced racket than Hitler or the Klan. The Italian, as everyone knows, has long been regarded as an inferior “race.” In 1924, the United States amended its immigration laws to exclude as many Italians as possible and to have more Nordics. Consequently, the Italian, like the Negro, is on the racial defensive. Italian ethnologists have taken the lead in proving “racial purity” a myth.

No one was more emphatic on the subject than Mussolini, himself. In 1932, he said, “There are no pure races left; not even the Jews have keep their blood unmingled. Successful crossings have often promoted the energy and beauty of a nation. Race! It is a feeling, not a reality; nine-five percent, at least, is a feeling. Nothing will ever make me believe that biologically pure races can be shown to exist today. Amazingly enough not one of those who have proclaimed the ‘nobility’ of the Teutonic race was himself a Teuton. Gobineau was a Frenchman. Chamberlain actually declared Rome was the capital of chaos. No such doctrine will ever find wide acceptance here in Italy.”

Speaking of a certain professor, evidently a German, who had been preaching the doctrine of the “noble blonds,” Mussolini said, he “is a man with more poetic imagination than science in his composition. National pride has no need for the delirium of race.”

In fact there seemed nothing else for an Italian who was not and idiot to say. Even the most casual visitor to Italy cannot help but see that it is a land of very much mixed races. Nevertheless on July 13, 1938, the Fascist Grand Council with one stroke of the pen, and without setting up a single face-bleaching or hair-straightening parlor in Sicily, Calabria, or elsewhere, transformed the Italians into “a pure Aryan race.”

Among the ten points of the manifesto were the following: That there is a such thing as race; that there is “a pure Italian race”; and that histories that speak of an influx into Italy of other than Aryan peoples are false.

In other words, Hannibal never crossed the Alps and the Latin writers who told of seeing him were liars. As for the Egyptians, the Moors, the Huns and other dark-skinned non-Aryans, they only imagined they had entered Italy. The Negro slaves of Italy from the thirteenth to seventeenth centuries were white people who had blackened themselves up. So were the Italians with whom Napoleon used to fill up his Negro regiments when the French supply of blacks ran out.

The supreme concocter of human misery — the mass murderer, liar and thief of the century is the racial purist. Anyone, even the lowest moron, can always believe and declare himself to be better than anybody else.

Source: pg. 19-20.