Tagged: organized crime

William Morris Endeavor Entertainment (formerly known as the William Morris Agency) and others are engaged in a per se, race-based conspiracy containing horizontal and vertical elements to exclude qualified African Americans and people of color from meaningful employment opportunities throughout Hollywood and the entertainment industry.

another UNARMED black man is KILLED by the police in AmeriKKKa!

This is very sad. I initially read yesterday that Michael was caught shoplifting, but from the video above, the people in his community said he was playing out in the street for four hours and he was shot while having his hands up! Even if the claims of shoplifting were in fact true, it still doesn’t justify the police shooting someone that’s unarmed 9 or 10 times. Like the lady said, the police wouldn’t even shoot a dog that many times. Smh.

History is repeating itself and majority of us (black, white, brown, red, yellow, purple) are still in an induced, comatose state that prevents us from understanding or even realizing what the fuck is really going on. Thank integration for that. Many of the gains made during the civil rights movement are being eviscerated right before our very eyes and our nation’s “first” President of color isn’t doing a damn thing about it [although a few days ago, Obama announced that the U.S. would be giving Africa up to $550 million in “aid” to <cough> “help African nations develop peacekeeping forces that can be rapidly deployed to head off militant threats and other crises.”].

Michael’s death is just another daily reminder that our lives have absolutely no meaning to these people. This guy had an entire life ahead of him and was scheduled to begin classes at Vatterott College on Monday. How many more innocent black lives have to be taken from us for us to come together and ensure that this “evil system” is abolished once and for all? It’s time for a war on global white supremacy (racism). By any means necessary, this must happen, or we as a people are doomed.

Rest in paradise Michael Brown.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/exclusive-u-spend-550-million-african-rapid-response-182344890.html.