Tagged: not accidental

“Quick, what are the most racially charged elements of voting? There is a familiar roster of complaints: felon disenfranchisement, which, given the racial disparities in the justice system, disproportionately affects minorities. Voter-ID laws and other restrictions on voting hours. Gerrymandering, which concentrates minority voters into districts. But what about mortality rates? It’s not something that enters the political discussion much, but a new paper, “Black lives matter: Differential mortality and the racial composition of the U.S. electorate, 1970-2004,” argues that the racial gap in mortality rates could have a major impact on national politics. The premise of the paper, by researchers at Mathematica Policy Research, the University of Michigan, Stanford, and Oxford, is simple: Unless you live in Chicago, you can’t vote when you’re dead. Since overall black health outcomes are worse than white ones, and life expectancies are lower for black Americans, that must have an effect on the results of elections.”

Source: David A. Graham. “A Million Missing Black Voters.” The Atlantic. May 12, 2015. http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/05/a-million-missing-black-voters/392972/.

“According to Kanter (1977), work groups can be characterized as uniform, skewed, titled or balanced in proportional representation. Uniform groups are homogenous; all members hold the same members in such groups is 100:0. Stress due to differences in observerable master status characteristics is absent in these work settings. In skewed group, majority group members far outnumber minority group members. Kanter suggests ratios of majority to minority groups members ranging from 99:1 through 85:15. She refers to majority group members as ‘dominants’ and minority group members as ‘tokens’ in skewed groups. Those in number majority are assumed to control the group and its culture; token have very little power in these situations. Tokens are ‘often treated as representatives of their category, as symbols rather than individuals.'”

The racial composition of William Morris’ NY Agent Trainee program definitely fell under the “skewed” category…

Source: Pamela Braboy Jackson, Peggy A. Thoits and Howard F. Taylor. “Composition of the Workplace and Psychological Well-Being: The Effects of Tokenism on America’s Black Elite.” Social Forces. Vol. 74, No. 2. (December 1995). pg. 544-45.

“Simmons was critical of the lack of diversity in most Hollywood talent agencies, noting that he recently moved from CAA to WME. ‘I didn’t realize they’re all the same,’ he said, adding that both agencies seem to have ‘the one black agent.'”

Uh oh! Uncle Russ exposed WME and the other talent agencies for their lack of diversity in the workplace as well??!!???!! Very few are bold enough to do that because very few like to “bite the hand that feeds them.” I know Ari and the powers that be aren’t going to like hearing about this story, but it’s the TRUTH and they know it.

The only reason why African Americans CONTINUE to be underrepresented in meaningful positions throughout these extremely influential companies, is due to the fact that like America, this industry was founded on racism and 50 years after the passage of Title VII, they have never been forced to eradicate racism at the institutional and organizational level. The racial makeup of ICM, UTA and the other agencies are no different because they are all engaging in a race-based conspiracy to exclude African Americans in order to keep their monopolistic power over Hollywood and the marketplace of ideas. Yet, they are quick to publicly proclaim that they are not violating the law, although it is blatantly clear that their employment practices, policies and procedures are creating a disparate impact against qualified African Americans from being hired and/or promoted to Agent.

What’s the solution to this HISTORICAL problem if the federal courts refuse to old these companies accountable for their unlawful violations of our nation’s human rights and antitrust laws?

Source: Cynthia Littleton. “Russell Simmons Blasts Hollywood’s Racial ‘Segregation.'” Variety. January 22, 2015. http://a.msn.com/0C/en-us/AA8rW1f.

“Given the systemic nature of racism, the courts can no longer enable employers to supersede federal, state and city civil and human rights laws by compelling future employees into ‘mandatory’ arbitration, specifically on issues of ‘discrimination.’ What incentive do these employers have to comply with the civil and human rights laws? As demonstrated by WME, there is no incentive, and until companies are held accountable for their actions, the cycle will only continue.”

Source: July 10, 2011 Letter to P. Kevin Castel Seeking An Expedited Ruling on Defendants’ Motion To Compel Arbitration.

“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure. When we allow fundamental freedoms to be sacrificed in the name of real or perceived exigency, we invariably come to regret it.” — Thurgood Marshall

Source: National Treasury Employee’s Union v. Von Raab, 489 U.S. 656 (1989).

“A wise man told me the first step towards change is AWARENESS. The second step is ACCEPTANCE. Are YOU AWARE of the CHANGES that are HAPPENING AROUND YOU? Are you WILLING to ACCEPT THE CHANGE THAT IS UPON US? It’s time for a SHIFT. A METAMORPHOSIS, a MODIFICATION, a DIFFERENCE….LIFE doesn’t get better by CHANCE, it gets better by CHANGE.” — Charlamagne Tha God


Perfect timing! I just heard this song two days ago, but Charlamagne’s quote definitely resonated with me. Dope record! And she’s only 19 years old…

Source: Tink feat. Charlamagne Tha God — “Around the Clock” (2014) (produced by Timbaland)

EPIC FAIL: the NFL’s New England Patriots announce @ihateniggerss as its millionth follower on Twitter!


And now this! Clearly, this was not “accidental” or the result of “human error” because someone had to insert “@ihateniggerss” onto the jersey, get the necessary approvals to send the tweet, etc. Multiple people are responsible. Throughout history, most white American “patriots” have been saying “I hate niggers,” so I really shouldn’t be that shocked….but it’s 2014 and there’s NO EXCUSE for this bullshit! This serves as just another reminder that we live in an extremely racist and highly ignorant society. When will they understand that “race” is a social and legal construct and that the belief in white racial purity and/or white/”Jewish” superiority is based on nothing more than myths and lies?

We know you hate us, but after hundreds of years of oppressing people of African descent through slavery, Jim Crow and CONTINUING DISCRIMINATION, transformative change must occur in the United States of America because the Civil Rights Act of 1964 has not been able to effectively exterminate institutional and systemic forms of racism that have been embedded into America’s cultural DNA. Scientifically, their claims and theories of racial superiority have been proven to be false, so why do so many racial disparities CONTINUE to exist in this country? That’s because whites are still engaging conspiracy to interfere with the human rights of people of African descent, playing a significant role in the overall deterioration of our culture and communities (genocide) taking place present day.

Since the majority is clearly race conscious, then it’s time for President Barack H. Obama to have a meaningful conversation about global white/”Jewish” supremacy (racism) so that it can be eradicated once and for all. And speaking of Obama, I found an article written last year, saying that he was also following @ihateniggerss on Twitter. Smdh.

Source: http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/patriots-tweet-n-word-social-media-fail-article-1.2010665http://www.tddaily.com/news/new-england-patriots-i-hate-niggers-tweet-jersey-photo/ and http://philly.barstoolsports.com/around-barstool/president-obama-follows-ihateniggers-on-twitter/.

Update [11/16/2014]: So I did some more research, and it appears that what happened was “accidental” and possibly the result of “human error.” Also, @ihateniggers wasn’t the millionth follower — everyone who tweeted the Patriots got a retweet and their name on the jersey. As for everything else written, that still stands…

“The circumstances surrounding Black unemployment and underemployment point to the persistent systemic inequalities and racism that continue to affect African American job seekers at an alarmingly disproportionate rate. This is not an issue of Blacks being lazy, unmotivated, undereducated, or unqualified. At every turn African Americans are faced with a system set up to fail them and them blame them for a condition that they did not cause.”

Source: Susana Morris.  “Are African Americans Getting Left Behind in the Nation’s Economic Recovery?” Ebony. September 11, 2014. http://www.ebony.com/career-finance/are-african-americans-are-getting-left-behind-in-the-nations-economic-recovery-4#axzz3FJHvGOcr.

watch this insightful interview with Jim Douglass on the trial surrounding the U.S. gov’t’s role in the assassination of Dr. MLK: “When we have a terrorist threat out there, don’t think Saddam Hussein. Don’t think North Korea. Don’t think Algeria. Think CIA – number one and then go down from there. Certainly there are other terrorist threats besides the government of the United States, but the primary terrorist group in the world today is the same government that assassinated Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and John and Robert Kennedy.”

“By focusing the legal inquiry on the employer’s intent at the moment an employment decision is made, the law fails to recognize that discrimination ‘can intrude much earlier, as cognitive process-based errors in perception and judgment subtly distort the ostensibly objective data set upon which a decision is ultimately based.'”

In a particularly interesting study illustrating this point, researchers simulated an interview process in which job candidates ranged along a spectrum from unqualified to very qualified and included both black and white applicants. White participants were asked to select from among groups of these job candidates. The self-described “non-racist” study participants made apparently unbiased choices when black candidates were either plainly qualified or plainly unqualified. But when these participants were presented with a marginally qualified black candidate, they gave that candidate significantly weaker recommendations than they gave a comparably qualified white candidate. The study was conducted in 1989, and again in 1999. In both instances, the results were the same. The participants in the 1999 study were noticeably less direct in their verbal expression of racial prejudice, but their actual selection behavior did not change. This confirms other research suggesting that “unconscious racism governs behavior among white employers who would not consciously choose to discriminate against African Americans.” This behavior can affect all aspects of an employment decision, but psychologists recognize in particular that “subjective judgments of interpersonal skills and collegiality are quite vulnerable to stereotypic biases.”

Source: Melissa Hart, Subjective Decisionmaking and Unconscious Racism, 56 Ala. L. Rev. 741, 746. 2005.