Tagged: networks

“It’s easier to be the President of the United States as a black person than be the head of a [Hollywood] studio.” — Spike Lee

“‘There is no such thing as black power in Hollywood,’ [Tim] Reid states emphatically. ‘What you have are a lot of Blacks with vanity opportunities, but this does not mean they have any real power.’ Reid, who heads his own company and is awaiting the national release of his latest film ‘Once Upon A Time…When We Were Colored,’ believes that things would be a lot better if blacks were, so to speak, taught to fish rather being the recipients of handouts. ‘The studios will give you the money to make a picture,’ he explains, ‘but this does not lead to wealth or empowerment, and the only way we are going to get the kind of power in which we can determine what picture is made and how it’s distributed is through self-reliance. Practicing what he preaches, all of Reid’s movies are partly financed by Black investors and partners such as Black Entertainment Television and boxing promoter, Butch Lewis. ‘Until we are self-sufficient like the late Oscar Micheaux, until we have our own infrastructure, we cannot talk about having any power,’ Reid asserts. ‘We know how to make movies. That’s not the problem. What we need are the theaters, like Magic Johnson is doing, and the distributors. This is the road to economic power…this is how you create wealth.'”

Source: Herb Boyd. “Who Really Has The Power In Hollywood?” The Crisis. pg.10. February-March 1996.

“Simmons was critical of the lack of diversity in most Hollywood talent agencies, noting that he recently moved from CAA to WME. ‘I didn’t realize they’re all the same,’ he said, adding that both agencies seem to have ‘the one black agent.'”

Uh oh! Uncle Russ exposed WME and the other talent agencies for their lack of diversity in the workplace as well??!!???!! Very few are bold enough to do that because very few like to “bite the hand that feeds them.” I know Ari and the powers that be aren’t going to like hearing about this story, but it’s the TRUTH and they know it.

The only reason why African Americans CONTINUE to be underrepresented in meaningful positions throughout these extremely influential companies, is due to the fact that like America, this industry was founded on racism and 50 years after the passage of Title VII, they have never been forced to eradicate racism at the institutional and organizational level. The racial makeup of ICM, UTA and the other agencies are no different because they are all engaging in a race-based conspiracy to exclude African Americans in order to keep their monopolistic power over Hollywood and the marketplace of ideas. Yet, they are quick to publicly proclaim that they are not violating the law, although it is blatantly clear that their employment practices, policies and procedures are creating a disparate impact against qualified African Americans from being hired and/or promoted to Agent.

What’s the solution to this HISTORICAL problem if the federal courts refuse to old these companies accountable for their unlawful violations of our nation’s human rights and antitrust laws?

Source: Cynthia Littleton. “Russell Simmons Blasts Hollywood’s Racial ‘Segregation.'” Variety. January 22, 2015. http://a.msn.com/0C/en-us/AA8rW1f.

the Reply to my Motion for Extraordinary Relief is submitted to the 2nd Circuit!!!

Wow! I can’t believe that in four days, I was able to condense my discussion of the overall fraud that has been perpetrated upon the Court by Loeb & Loeb LLP and the Court itself, into those 10 pages!! What makes things even better, is that if the appellate court denies my Motion [without providing an ethical and objective judicial opinion], then this pleading can essentially serve as my petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court.

Below are some pix chronicling my day as I prepared to submit what could very well be the last pleading I submit to the Second Circuit:






Thank you GOD for always watching over me [and intervening while I was at the post office to prevent me from mailing Loeb & Loeb LLP the wrong version of the pleading]!!

“Issues of race have long bedeviled Hollywood, which has been criticized for not giving minorities enough opportunities for work, and for not doing enough to represent African Americans, Latinos and others in films and television shows. Darnell Hunt, a sociology professor at UCLA, said he was not surprised by the nature of the emails. ‘This is where we are in Hollywood,’ said Hunt, who is director of the Ralph J. Bunche Center for African American Studies, which produces the annual Hollywood Diversity Report. ‘We have a diversity problem … the fact that you can have these perceptions that are made jokingly give us a peek into the underlying culture of the industry.'”

Everyone wants to write about Sony’s hacked e-mails, but the media doesn’t want to discuss the fact that William Morris, Creative Artists Agency, their attorneys and counsel for the plaintiffs in Rowe Entertainment v. William Morris Agency et al. (98-8287) concealed smoking gun evidence showing Agents and other employees from two of Hollywood’s biggest talent agencies referring to African Americans as “nigger,” “nigga,” “coon,” “Uncle Tom” and “monkey” hundreds of times in incoming and outgoing e-mails.

Above is the document Leonard Rowe found on his attorney’s desk, now known as “Exhibit 31.” What makes the actions of Rowe’s attorneys so unethical, is that the class of black concert promoters paid $200,000.00 for this search and were told by their own white attorneys that “no derogatory terms” were found. Clearly the plaintiffs in Rowe were defrauded because this document is authentic. If not, Arbitrator David L. Gregory would have never admitted this document into the evidence of record in my case when the federal judge in Rowe — Robert P. Patterson — refused to do so eight years earlier. Twelve years after the search was conducted, the underlying e-mails have never been produced.

Source: Daniel Miller. Future of Sony’s Amy Pascal Questioned After Hacked Email Revelations.” Los Angeles Times. December 11, 2014. http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/envelope/cotown/la-et-ct-sony-amy-pascal-apologizes-20141212-story.html.

The talent agencies, studios and networks in Hollywood have been able to maintain an illegal race-based monopoly because they are intentionally violating the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with “malice and/or reckless indifference” to the federally protected rights of African Americans, in order to ‘freeze’ their racially homogeneous workplaces and perpetuate the MYTH that whites and/or European descendants who consider themselves to be “Jewish” are the only ones qualified enough to be successful Agents and/or executives.

“I look at the film landscape, and there are probably three or four studios that actually don’t even have one executive of color on their production side. Not one.” — WME Agent Charles King

King became the first African American to be promoted to film Agent at WMA. Although the company told its first African American Agent Wally Amos in the late 1960s that the studios and networks “weren’t ready” for a black Agent, the company felt the studios were ready for a black Agent in 1991, when King was promoted in the company’s 101st year of being in business.

Source: Minju Pak, “New Voices.” The Hollywood Reporter. November 8, 2005.

the L.A. Times agrees! the “Jews” “RUN” Hollywood.

I have never been so upset by a poll in my life. Only 22% of Americans now believe “the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews,” down from nearly 50% in 1964. The Anti-Defamation League, which released the poll results last month, sees in these numbers a victory against stereotyping. Actually, it just shows how dumb America has gotten. Jews totally run Hollywood.

How deeply Jewish is Hollywood? When the studio chiefs took out a full-page ad in the Los Angeles Times a few weeks ago to demand that the Screen Actors Guild settle its contract, the open letter was signed by: News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish), Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger (Jewish), Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (surprise, Dutch Jew), Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish), CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves (so Jewish his great uncle was the first prime minister of Israel), MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish) and NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker (mega-Jewish). If either of the Weinstein brothers had signed, this group would have not only the power to shut down all film production but to form a minyan with enough Fiji water on hand to fill a mikvah.

The person they were yelling at in that ad was SAG President Alan Rosenberg (take a guess). The scathing rebuttal to the ad was written by entertainment super-agent Ari Emanuel (Jew with Israeli parents) on the Huffington Post, which is owned by Arianna Huffington (not Jewish and has never worked in Hollywood.)

The Jews are so dominant, I had to scour the trades to come up with six Gentiles in high positions at entertainment companies. When I called them to talk about their incredible advancement, five of them refused to talk to me, apparently out of fear of insulting Jews. The sixth, AMC President Charlie Collier, turned out to be Jewish.

As a proud Jew, I want America to know about our accomplishment. Yes, we control Hollywood. Without us, you’d be flipping between “The 700 Club” and “Davey and Goliath” on TV all day.

So I’ve taken it upon myself to re-convince America that Jews run Hollywood by launching a public relations campaign, because that’s what we do best. I’m weighing several slogans, including: “Hollywood: More Jewish than ever!”; “Hollywood: From the people who brought you the Bible”; and “Hollywood: If you enjoy TV and movies, then you probably like Jews after all.”

In typically arrogant fashion, one of “God’s Chosen people” concludes the article with:

I appreciate Foxman’s concerns. And maybe my life spent in a New Jersey-New York/Bay Area-L.A. pro-Semitic cocoon has left me naive. But I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them.

When I present a pyramid of historical and statistical evidence to demonstrate that Hollywood was created and is still overrepresented by “Jews” who collectively harbor a racial animus and/or implicit racial biases against African Americans and people of color, I am called “racist” and “anti-Semitic” although what I am saying is not false, nor has it been proven to be false. When Joel Stein states the obvious, it’s all good…

Source: Joel Stein. “Is Hollywood Run by Jews? You Bet.” LA Times. December 19, 2008. http://articles.latimes.com/2008/dec/19/opinion/oe-stein19

LA Times: “Even if Hollywood likes to present itself as magnanimous and liberal, its hiring decisions — including jobs handed to women — continue to be demographically constricted, with most work still going to white men.”

Source: John Horn. “Hollywood Is Losing the Race For Ethnic and Gender Inclusion.” LA Times. December 26, 2013. http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/movies/moviesnow/la-et-mn-backstage-black-filmmakers-20131226-story.html#axzz2obL44haU.