Tagged: morning cuddle

peace of mind. #backhome


Thank God for my family, friends and my dog, Bennie! Because of them, I’m reminded that it”s the simple things in life that matter most to me.  I have absolutely no reason to make shit up about William Morris, Loeb & Loeb LLP and/or its “attorneys.” Before I discovered a pyramid of historical & statistical evidence demonstrating William Morris’ century plus pattern and practice of racial discrimination against African Americans, substantial sociological jurisprudence, law literature, etc., I only had a gut instinct that I was being discriminated against because of my race before and during my employment with the company. I am not a lawyer, but federal, state and local law supports that “more likely than not,” my race, color and/or perceived national origin DID play a “motivating factor” in why I was not hired and/or promoted as a [music] Agent. Arbitrator David L. Gregory —  a man with more than 30 years’ experience as both an employment & labor law professor at St. John’s University and arbitrator for the American Arbitration Association — thought so, and if even you [the reader of this blog not knowing all of the facts of the case or this nation’s laws on antidiscrimination, antitrust and civil rights]] may think otherwise, I believe an impartial jury would reach the same conclusion as Gregory and I!


Random thought: If it’s absurd to classify dogs and other mammals by their color, why is the hue-man race giving the world’s minority [those who classify themselves as white and are unable to produce melanin] the power to perpetuate a lie [the belief that they are the superior “race,” the belief that civilization began in Europe, etc.]?