Tagged: Michael Zweig

Washington v. WME — Conference Call with AAA’s Heather Santo [August 7, 2013]

This conversation is further proof that fraud has been occurring in my case since day one and that arbitration was ALWAYS an inappropriate forum for this particular case. Nothing that was discussed in this call actually happened.


First video I found on youtube after trying to learn the correct pronunciation of ‘spoliation’ after reading about it in various texts about electronic discovery. haha.

Definitely sums up what happened to Leonard Rowe by his former attorneys and counsel for the Defendants. This is one of many reasons that Judge Patterson’s order denying Leonard Rowe’s case from being reopened is erroneous as a matter of law!! These corrupt attorneys should be immediately disbarred (plus sanctioned, then imprisoned) for their serious unethical and criminal conduct and Judge Patterson (as well as other federal judges) should be impeached for their “high crimes and misdemeanors”  for being involved in this conspiracy to interfere with the civil and human rights of Americans of African descent  and other non-Whites/Jews (which ultimately means maintaining global white supremacy).

Click here to read the Rules of Professional Conduct for attorneys practicing in the state of New York: http://www.nysba.org/Content/NavigationMenu/ForAttorneys/ProfessionalStandardsforAttorneys/NYRulesofProfessionalConduct4109.pdf.

Click here to read the Code of Conduct for United States Judges: http://www.uscourts.gov/RulesAndPolicies/CodesOfConduct/CodeConductUnitedStatesJudges.aspx.

a “no brainer”…unless you’re CORRUPT (and extremely RACIST)!

“There should be no need to codify a rule that advises lawyers not to lie, falsify statements, fail to disclose properly requested material facts, manufacture evidence, or engage in perjury. Common sense and personal integrity make these obligations obvious.

One area that may present problems for lawyers involves the preservation, retention, and uncovering of discoverable documents, electronically stored information, and other materials. Clients may be inclined to destroy potentially harmful information, and lawyers need to advise them to follow the law. Clients who have a proper and appropriate document retention policy may be able to periodically destroy or delete information but not if litigation is or may be imminent. And some less than forthcoming clients may be inclined to hide or withhold harmful information from discovery. Lawyers need to be aware of these possible tendencies and counsel their clients to always do the right thing.”

Source:  Roger S. Haydock and David F. Herr, Discovery Practice. 2011.

petition for rehearing submitted! disciplinary and $100M monetary sanctions sought against Michael Zweig, Christian Carbone, Loeb & Leob LLP and William Morris Endeavor Ent. for “fraud upon the Court”

I’ll upload the petition in the next few days, but in the meantime, here are some pictures of me preparing to submit my pleading to the Second Circuit for what I hope is one of the last times in my life! No matters what happens, I’m proud of myself for not quitting and fighting for what I believe is right — all the way to the end.