Tagged: Kendrick Johnson

“Federal authorities said Monday they will not bring charges against anyone in the death of Valdosta teenager Kendrick Johnson and declared the long-simmering case closed. Johnson’s body was found in January 2013 in a rolled-up gym mat at Lowndes High School in Valdosta. His parents have long been convinced that he was killed, and they even named suspects in a civil lawsuit. ‘After extensive investigation into this tragic event, federal investigators determined that there is insufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that someone or some group of people willfully violated Kendrick Johnson’s civil rights or committed any other prosecutable federal crime,’ a statement from the Justice Department said. ‘Accordingly, the investigation into this incident has been closed without the filing of federal criminal charges.'”

kendrick johnson


This is FUCKED UP!!!!! Look at the pictures above?! How could ANY police officer, FBI investigator, person with an iota of common sense, etc. say that Kendrick’s death was the result of getting stuck in a rolled up mat while trying to retrieve some sneakers…a [possibly accidental] suicide more or less?!?!?!

Like Kendrick’s family, I’m not buying it! Look at his fucking face!!!! Imagine if this were your child, brother, friend, loved one, etc.!!!! Would you believe the “theory” offered by law enforcement? If so, why is his face unrecognizable?! Why does he have a gash on his right eyelid and scratches all over his face?! Why are his lips so puffy?

Three and a half years have passed since Kendrick’s murder. Since law enforcement concluded that “there is insufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that someone or some group of people willfully violated Kendrick Johnson’s civil rights or committed any other prosecutable federal crime,” I have to believe that multiple parties, including school officials and various levels of law enforcement, colluded and conspired to cover-up the truth about who killed Kendrick Johnson.

Source: Christian Boone. “Case Closed on Kendrick Johnson Death With No Federal Charges Filed.” Atlanta Journal-Constitution. June 20, 2016. http://www.ajc.com/news/news/crime-law/kendrick-johnson-parents-say-gym-mat-death-investi/nrjgt/

do these images of Kendrick Johnson from the coroner look like he was MURDERED or that he rolled himself up in a gym mat and committed SUICIDE?


I didn’t know this, but according to CNN, his ORGANS WERE MISSING and his “BODY AND SKULL HAD BEEN STUFFED WITH NEWSPAPER BEFORE BURIAL”!!!! This is very sick and disturbing. I don’t care what anyone says, the sons of that FBI Agent had something to do with this, which is why so many people are involved in the cover-up of Kendrick’s death! #JusticeforKendrick!!!

Source: Victor Blackwell and Devon Sayers. “Gym Mat Death Shocker: Body Stuffed With Newspaper.” CNN. October 10, 2013. http://edition.cnn.com/2013/10/09/us/georgia-gym-mat-death/.

“The parents of Kendrick Johnson, the Georgia teenager whose lifeless body was mysteriously found rolled up in a wrestling mat at his high school two years ago, have filed a $100 million lawsuit against 38 people —including local, state and federal law enforcement officials and three classmates. Kendrick, 17, a member of the wrestling team at Lowndes High School in Valdosta, in southern Georgia, was found upside down in the rolled-up mat on Jan. 11, 2013, when other students climbed on a 6-foot-tall stack of the stored mats.”

Yes!!! When I first wrote about Kendrick’ story on my blog, I said that I hoped his family sued everyone involved in the conspiracy to cover up the truth about Kendrick’s murder. [The police originally concluded to KENDRICK’S PARENTS and the public that Kendrick rolled himself up into a mat at his high school’s gym after beating himself up to the point that his face looked like Emmett Till and killed himself!!!! It was a suicide. SMDH!!!!!!! Do they think they think that we do not possess COMMON SENSE as well???!!! Very disturbing shit. It’s time to get out of this racist and fucked up country and go back HOME after we collect the TRILLIONS they OWE US! #reparations] I hope the family’s complaint includes claims under the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 because we all know Kendrick didn’t kill himself and the police and others engaged in a race-based conspiracy to conceal the truth about Kendrick’s death!!! I hope they go after those two brothers and their FBI father during discovery. All involved need to be FIRED from their positions and/or should ROT IN JAIL!!

Source: M. Alex Johnson. “Parents File $100 Million Suit in Gym-Mat Death of Georgia Teen Kendrick Johnson.” NBC News. January 15, 2015. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/parents-file-100-million-suit-gym-mat-death-georgia-teen-n287076.

“‘While more than 100 students cooperated with investigators, only two, according to the [police] case file, refused to talk to police. The two were former Lowndes High School wrestler… and his younger brother, a classmate of K.J.’s [Kendrick Johnson’s],’ the video narrator says. According to the 500-plus page police case file obtained by 48 Hours’ Crimesider, authorities attempted to question both brothers in the aftermath of Johnson’s death after hearing that the younger brother had been in a confrontation with Johnson on a school bus in 2011. The boys’ father, who works for the FBI according to Johnson’s team, referred authorities to the family attorney, who in turn, said the boys would not be speaking with investigators, the case file says.”

Hmmm…..So #operationcoverup is bigger than the police…Nobody, let alone a FBI Agent, would want it to be known that their children are cold-blooded murderers. Why have these two remained silent? When more than a 100 students cooperated with investigators, their decision to remain silent raises red flags and makes me suspicious that they have actual knowledge about what happened to Johnson. Their actions remind me of what William Morris and Loeb & Loeb LLP have done throughout this case….

Source: Stephanie Silfer. “Timeline Challenged In Kendrick Johnson Gym Mat Death.” CBS News. November 2014. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/timeline-challenged-in-kendrick-johnson-gym-mat-death/.

let’s not forget to DEMAND JUSTICE 4 KENDRICK JOHNSON!!!

kendrick johnson

With all of the focus on Mike Brown, Eric Garner and the countless others who have died at the hands of the police, I haven’t heard any updates about Kendrick Johnson’s family’s quest to find out the truth about how Kendrick ended up being found dead in a rolled up mat WITH HIS FACE ENTIRELY DISFIGURED at his high school’s gym in Georgia nearly two years ago.

The stupid ass cops told Kendrick’s family that there was “no foul play” and implied that Kendrick obviously did this to himself. However, any human being with an iota of common sense, let alone a COP, SHERIFF, DETECTIVE or other LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL [positions overrepresented by whites throughout our entire NATION due to the fact that they are allegedly more qualified for the job than blacks and other people of color], should have known by looking at this young black man’s face, that he was murdered and someone rolled his dead body up in that mat.

Had Kendrick been white, do you think the police would have conducted such a shitty investigation and/or reached the initial conclusion that “no foul play” took place? I think not, which is why I partly believe that the cops deliberately engaged in a conspiracy to conceal the truth from being uncovered. As we have seen from the cases like Trayvon Martin, Brown and Garner, the police play an integral role in ensuring that whites who kill blacks get away with their crimes, so it’s not a stretch to think that many of the predominately all-white police from Valdosta, intentionally refused to conduct a proper investigation into Johnson’s death and obstructed justice so that Johnson’s killer(s) would also get off scot-free and remain anonymous…

In the same way that we have collectively demanded justice for Martin, Brown, Garner and others, we should demand justice for Johnson until all parties involved in this larger conspiracy to interfere with the human rights of people of African descent, are ultimately held accountable for their unlawful actions.

EBONY article identifies names of possible suspects and establishes better timeline on Kendrick Johnson’s death.

new evidence released in Kendrick Johnson case.

Surveillance footage obtained by CNN shows that “other minors were recorded…inside the Lowndes County High School gym on January 10 between 1:09 p.m. and 1:20 p.m., a span of about 10 minutes after Johnson entered the gym.” Why does it feel like CNN is doing the job of the police department?

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2013/10/18/justice/georgia-gym-mat-death/

second autopsy in Kendrick Johnson’s death confirms what black people already knew — his death was NOT a SUICIDE!!!

kendrick johnson

(CNN) — Georgia teen Kendrick Johnson, who was found dead in a rolled-up gym mat at his high school in January, died as the result of “unexplained, apparent non-accidental, blunt force trauma,” according to a newly released, independent autopsy report.

The report, obtained exclusively Tuesday by CNN, directly contradicts the finding of an autopsy conducted by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation that determined that Johnson’s death was the result of positional asphyxia. The Lowndes County Sheriff’s Office determined that his death was accidental.

Johnson, 17 and an athlete, was found January 11 headfirst in a rolled wrestling mat at a Lowndes County High School gym in Valdosta, Georgia.

Inconsistencies in official reports on the condition of Kendrick’s body have led the family and community to question the official cause of his death. 

The family’s attorney, Chevene King, has sent the independent autopsy report to the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, the U.S . Attorney for Georgia’s Middle District and Lowndes County Coroner for review.

The coroner can call a coroner’s inquest, a process that resembles a grand jury proceeding. After reviewing evidence and testimony, a jury would decide the cause of death, although the findings alone would have no civil or criminal consequences.

“Coroner’s inquests are not something you do every day. I cannot tell you the last time a coroner’s inquest was done in this office,” Lowndes County Coroner Bill Watson said.

“I want to do the right thing by the people and the county and all concerned; I’m just not sure we have enough information. I’m not about to refute anybody’s findings because I’m not a doctor,” said Watson.

On May 1, a judge granted the Johnsons’ request to exhume their son’s body for the purposes of a conducting an independent autopsy at their expense.

That autopsy, conducted June 15, found blunt force trauma to the right neck and soft tissues, “consistent with inflicted injury.” It was conducted by Dr. William R. Anderson with Forensic Dimensions in Heathrow, Florida.

“This is unexplained — most very, very likely inflicted, as opposed to something he caused himself, inflicted by another — and therefore needs to be investigated as an open homicide investigation,” Anderson said.

“I’ve never had a case that I can recall where the prosecution actually was told that this may well be a homicide — the prosecution being the state, the police and so forth — and then they didn’t bother prosecuting. It’s mystifying,” he added.

Anderson’s finding supports the narrative of the initial patient care report, written by EMTs with the South Georgia Medical Center Mobile Healthcare Service on January 11, the day Johnson’s body was discovered. That report said, “bruising noted to the right side jaw.”

However, a January 25 report by the Valdosta – Lowndes County Regional Crime Laboratory cited “no signs of blunt force trauma on Johnson’s face or body.”

The autopsy results released by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation May 2 identified “no significant injuries.”

A spokesperson for the Georgia Bureau of Investigation said the agency stands by its report after reviewing the findings of the independent autopsy.

U.S. Attorney Michael Moore is reviewing the case but has not launched a formal investigation.

“We’ve been working on this for some time,” he said. “I’m sure at the appropriate time, I’ll speak with his pathologist.”

“There are some members of the community that question the result,” Moore continued. “I want to make sure members of the community and the family and everyone involved has confidence in my work and my decision.”

The spokesperson for Civil Rights Division has not yet responded to questions about the new report.

I woke up to this story today. The GA law enforcement involved in this homicide clearly cannot be trusted and have demonstrated their incompetence since day one. There is definitely a conspiracy taking place. How could anyone with good conscience conclude that there were “no signs of blunt force trauma on Johnson’s face or body” or “no significant injuries”??? From the limited pics that have been made public, clearly, these “experts” (who are more likely than not, all white) are lying.  The family should definitely do the coroner’s inquest because although it’s not reported in the article, on the video posted on CNN’s website, the original person who did the autopsy (white male) asked the reporter in an e-mail to “destroy” the interview! And now that I have looked up who U.S. Attorney Michael J. Moore (http://www.justice.gov/usao/biographies/moore.htmlis (also white), I understand why it’s taking so long for a “formal investigation” to take place. What if Kendrick were white, would it take that long? We all know it would NOT. We live in a very sick society ya’ll and it’s only going to get worse until this white power structure is completely abolished. 

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2013/09/03/us/georgia-teen-death-autopsy/index.html.

is Kendrick Johnson the modern day Emmett Till?

For some reason, nearly seven months after his passing, I am just learning about the story of Kendrick Johnson. The picture below is of Kendrick’s mother holding a sign showing her son — before and after he was murdered.

kendrick johnson

The cops in Georgia (most likely white) told his parents that “no foul play” was involved, but look at how badly this teenager was beaten!! I immediately thought of Emmett Till (picture below) when I saw this picture.


What is wrong with this country?!?!  It’s like the more things change, the more they stay the same. My prayers go out to Kendrick’s family and friends.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/RipKendrickJohnson.