Tagged: judge

the RACIST & DISHONORABLE federal judge in Leonard Rowe’s case — Robert P. Patterson — has passed away!!! đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±

I’m in disbelief right now. My only run in with Patterson was at the conference that took place on January 24, 2014 [see transcript below].

As you can see, Leonard ripped Patterson a new one and Patterson could do nothing about it, because he knew Leonard was telling the truth. Smdh.

After the conference ended, I told him that fraud had been perpetrated upon the Court and that he knew “Exhibit 31” was authentic, or else Arbitrator David L. Gregory wouldn’t have admitted the document into the evidence of record in my case.

My only regret is that Patterson wasn’t impeached before he passed. May his racist soul rot in hell.

“A judge voided arbitration awards to an acupuncture provider, saying vacatur was warranted for the arbitrator’s failure to disclose his connection to a law firm that represented the provider in other cases. Manhattan Civil Court Judge Michael Katz said there was ‘considerable evidence’ that arbitrator Michael Rosenberger, of the American Arbitration Association, had ‘more than a remote or occasional association’ with the provider’s firm in a number of other no-fault proceedings.” 

After I discovered that Loeb & Loeb LLP attorney Christian Carbone’s wife, Sasha Angelique Carbone, was an executive for the AAA and worked closely with the unlawfully appointed arbitrator Timothy K. Lewis, the American Arbitration Association, P. Kevin Castel of the Southern District of New York and the Second Circuit refused to acknowledge the conflict of interest that was created by Carbone’s highly unethical conduct/failure to disclose or conclude that arbitration was an inappropriate forum for this landmark human rights case, after learning that Loeb & Loeb LLP was engaging in a “pattern” of fraud upon the Court on William Morris’ behalf to keep claims of racial discrimination from being decided by an impartial jury. 

Source: Andrew Keshner. “Arbitrator’s Ties to Law Firm Prompt Judge to Vacate Awards.” New York Law Journal. April 7, 2015. 

“Of course, in any large organization, there will be some, perhaps many, instances of discriminatory conduct, whether by supervisors or by co-workers, and [William Morris] has presented [no] evidence that it takes steps to counteract instances of [racial] bias.” — Magistrate Judge James C. Francis, IV

Source: Chen-Oster v. Goldman Sachs, Inc., Case No. 10-6950 (S.D.N.Y.), March 10, 2015 Report and Recommendation.

law & music: a day with Chief Judge Loretta A. Preska and Tori Kelly.

Today was pretty eventful. I attended an event honoring Chief Judge Loretta A. Preska of the Southern District of New York at Columbia Law School, where she was honored by The Federalist Society as the first recipient of The [Alexander] Hamilton Award. She gave a 20 minute speech entitled “The Death of Free Speech on Campus” and spent the rest of her time answering questions from the audience.


Leonard and I have both written numerous letters to Preska over the years about the overall fraud & corruption taking place in the Southern District of New York, particularly with the two Republican appointed federal judges overseeing our cases — Robert P. Patterson and P. Kevin Castel. Preska has acknowledged our letters by posting them onto our respective dockets, but she has remained silent and taken no further action. Smdh.

Although I wanted to speak to her [either by asking a question or speaking to her one-on-one], I decided against doing so. Nonetheless, it was good to hear her speak — even if I didn’t entirely agree with what she had to say.

When I got home, I saw that one of my favorite singer/songwriters — Tori Kelly — was in town and was having a free show @ Birchbox Soho, so of course, I checked that out as well.

IMG_0707 (3)

She impeccably performed the first single off her upcoming debut album titled “Nobody Love,” and four other songs, including “Paper Hearts” and “Dear No One.”

Can’t wait for Tori to release this album!! Today was a good day!

“A black teen was fatally shot by an officer on Tuesday night just two miles from Ferguson, Missouri, police said. Antonio Martin, 18, who police say pointed a gun at the officer, was shot late Tuesday night at a Mobil gas station in Berkeley, Missouri, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports.”

Here we go again…The initial reports from the [predominately black] witnesses and [predominately white] police are conflicting and based on the latter’s track record of constantly lying and covering shit up, I know that their statements cannot be entirely trusted….

Source: Sebastian Murdock. “Antonio Martin, Black Teenager, Fatally Shot By Police 2 Miles from Ferguson.” Huffington Post. December 24, 2014. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/24/antonio-martin-police-shooting_n_6376210.html.

i received the last of “Judge” Timothy K. Lewis’ invoices a few days ago. William Morris will pay him and his law firm, Schnader LLP, more than $115,000.00 for five months of engaging in fraud, intentionally violating the Federal Arbitration Act and depriving me of my statutory & constitutional rights under the color of law. smdh!

Lewis needs to be disbarred immediately and locked up, along with the rest of ’em!

Source: http://www.schnader.com/.