Tagged: “Jewish cabal”

i’m at a point that i might as well sue the United States of America, the William Morris Agency (now known as William Morris Endeavor Entertainment), Loeb & Loeb LLP, Michael P. Zweig, Christian Carbone, Catherine O’ Hagan Wolfe, P. Kevin Castel and others for fraud, deprivation of rights under the color of law and conspiracy to interfere with human rights African Americans….

I just realized that for more than three years, I’ve never had an oral hearing, in which both parties speak under oath. Isn’t that strange? Why wouldn’t they want to argue under oath against little old me — the guy whose claims are “without merit, legally and factually.” I want an oral hearing with P. Kevin Castel to discuss his disqualification and other bullshit I’ve had to endure since I became employed at the William Morris Agency (now known as William Morris Endeavor Entertainment).

Samuel L. Jackson Speaks Out About Racism in Hollywood


Actor Samuel L Jackson has said that the popularity of Oscar-nominated film 12 Years A Slave brushes over the racism still prevalent in Hollywood and contemporary American culture.

Jackson said the widely acclaimed film, which stars British-Nigerian actor Chiwetel Ejiofor, misses the point that Hollywood avoids the “real issues” of racism in modern US society.

Speaking to The Times, the actor said 12 Years A Slave only received funding because it was made by the British art house director Steve McQueen.

“I would think that if an African-American director went into a studio and pitched that particular film, they would be like: ‘No, no, no’.

“America is much more willing to acknowledge what happened in the past”
Samuel L Jackson

“It is a film about African-Americans – a dark period of history that they don’t like to explore in that particular way.”

He added: “Look, I’m glad 12 Years got made and it’s wonderful that people are seeing it and there is another view of what happened in America. But I’m not real sure why Steve McQueen wanted to tackle that particular sort of thing.”

Jackson, whose films have earned a massive $9bn at the box office over his successful 40-year career, said he still faces racial discrimination in the film industry on a daily basis.

The actor pointed out that the 2013 US drama film Fruitvale Station tackles the issue of race in a far more forthright and braver way than 12 Years A Slave.

Fruitvale Station is based on the events that led to the death of Oscar Grant, a young African-American man who was killed by a police officer in 2009.

“It explains things like the shooting of Trayvon Martin, the problems with stop and search, and is just more poignant,” Jackson said.

“America is much more willing to acknowledge what happened in the past: ‘We freed the slaves! It’s all good!’ But to say: ‘We are still unnecessarily killing black men’ – let’s have a conversation about that.”

I made similar statements in my January 2, 2014 Appeal to Arbitrator David L. Gregory’s Partial Final Award — Hollywood is only willing to discuss racism when they are in control of the narrative and are making millions of dollars by exploiting our struggle, but when they are being sued for millions of dollars for maintaining institutionalized racism and discriminatory employment practices, they get quiet and pretend racism doesn’t exist….

Source: http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/samuel-l-jackson-hollywood-avoids-real-issues-racism-1434772

footnote 94

See, e.g., Faigman et al.,  supra  note 84, at 1399 (noting that the Court “has never held that only consciously held and explicit motives qualify under the applicable law” and that “[e]specially in light of the science, such a construction seems particularly crabbed and artificial”); Wax, supra  note 64, at 985 (stating that “what really matters, and what ought to matter, is whether people are treated worse because of their race — or other protected characteristic, such as sex — in the real world. Specifically, the focus should not be on attitudes or sympathies, but on…actionable discrimination…[D]iscrimination occurs when an individual is victimized by ill treatment that is causally linked to or based on a protected characteristic.”); Zatz,  supra  note 71,  at 1374-75 (stating that ― “[s]cholars agree that the causal definition best captures the doctrinal category of ‘disparate treatment‘”).

Source: Tristin K. Green. The Future of Systemic Disparate Treatment Law pg. 24, footnote 94. 2011.

please read my latest submission: the Reply to my Emergency Motion to Compel!

Generally, the AAA will forward submission to the Arbitrator by the end of business day. Like the first, they are delaying sending my Reply Motion….

Exhibits A thru C:

Exhibits D thru H:

Exhibits I thru J-1:

commentary from 1994 on William Cash’s controversial article on Hollywood titled “Kings of the Deal.”

A British magazine has revived a stereotype of Hollywood from the early days in which a “Jewish cabal” controls the entertainment industry. Movie executives here who have seen the article in The Spectator are outraged.

“Disgusting,” “despicable,” “bigoted” and “odious” are some of the words used to describe the article, titled “Kings of the Deal,” which goes on to say that Jews have created an “invidious and protective culture” that denies employment to non-Jews. And it pointedly asks, “Now that Jews govern the New Establishment does any sort of reverse form of class or racial discrimination operate against outsiders trying to get access to the entertainment highways — Wasps, blacks, Brits and others not so favored?” The article, sprinkled with stereotypical characterizations of Jews, answers itself: “Yes.”

The author, William Cash, a Hollywood correspondent for Britain’s top conservative newspaper, The Daily Telegraph, describes Jews as “fiercely competitive,” clannish, vulgar, “compulsive storytellers and talented negotiators.” Few in Hollywood could recall such an anti-Semitic article in a mainstream publication.

Although Jewish immigrants helped found Hollywood in the 1920’s, and although most — but certainly not all — of the establishment has always been Jewish, Hollywood executives have traditionally gone out of their way to avoid making films with Jewish themes. They view such films (except “Schindler’s List” and one or two others) as uncommercial and without much audience appeal outside urban centers. And perhaps executives did not want to call attention to the fact that many of them are Jewish. But the magazine’s assertion that Jews operate in an exclusionary way is viewed by executives here, both Jews and others, as bizarre.

Definitely not a “stereotype” — it’s a fact. If you don’t know what a “cabal” is, please look it up. These are terms you need to familiarize yourself with in order to properly understand how Hollywood has contributed to the “moral decay” of not only our society, but the world.

Here’s the full article:

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/1994/11/07/arts/the-talk-of-hollywood-a-stereotype-of-jews-in-hollywood-is-revived.html.

the connection between loeb & loeb llp and hollywood.

After nearly two years of litigating this case, I randomly decided at 4 AM to research the history of Loeb & Loeb LLP — law firm representing William Morris. I immediately found a valuable bit of information. In the first paragraph detailing the firm’s history, their website states:

Loeb & Loeb was established in 1909. Founders Edwin and Joseph Loeb played a major role in the development of the City of Los Angeles in the early 1900s, helping to establish such institutions as the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Union Bank of California. In 1986, Loeb & Loeb merged with Hess Segal, a New York firm of comparable quality and vintage.

If the William Morris Agency was the first talent agency in the world and is credited with creating “Hollywood”, Mr. Zelman Moses (aka William Morris) clearly did business or knew Edwin or Joseph. And the Loebs’ relationship with our judicial system spans 103 years so by the time Leonard Rowe filed his racial discrimination case in 1998 with the Southern District of New York, the court was already in the firm’s back pocket. For 14 years, attorney Michael P. Zweig (http://www.loeb.com/michael_zweig/) and his coconspirators have been paid handsomely to assure that, but those days are now numbered.  As God continues to reveal clues, this “conspiracy” makes more and more sense…

I wonder what the racial makeup is like at  Loeb & Loeb LLP, the Southern District of New York, Creative Artists Agency, MGM, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, etc. Let me make an educated guess: the same as William Morris Endeavor Entertainment! This would be a great place for the EEOC to direct it’s E-RACE Initiative — an alleged effort to combat employment practices which create a systemic disparate treatment against federally protected groups in the U.S. workplace. (http://www.eeoc.gov/eeoc/initiatives/e-race/index.cfm)

Source: http://www.loeb.com/firm/history/