Tagged: indictment

INDICT St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch for committing “FRAUD UPON THE COURT”!!!!

A woman who swore she saw teenager Michael Brown pummel Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson and charge him “like a football player,” was lying about being at the scene of the controversial police shooting, St. Louis County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch said Friday.

“I’m sure she was nowhere near the place,” McCulloch said during a St. Louis radio interview. “She recounted the statement that was right out of the newspaper.”

While investigators doubted her story, McCulloch said the woman was allowed to testify because “early on, I decided that anyone who claimed to have witnessed anything would be presented to the grand jury.”

The prosecutor’s appearance on KTRS 550-AM was his first interview since Nov. 24, when he announced that the grand jury had decided not to indict Wilson for killing Brown. The officer, who resigned his position after the ruling, says he shot in self-defense.

McCulloch’s handling of the death of an unarmed black teen by a white police officer has been criticized from the outset. On Thursday, State Rep. Karla May, a Democrat, called for McCulloch to be investigated for prosecutorial misconduct, the AP reported.

McCulloch knew what was at stake with this case when he began and he still did everything in his power to ensure that Darren Wilson would NOT be indicted, including allowing “anyone who claimed to have witnessed anything” to present testimony to the grand jury. Wtf?! As demonstrated by this case, that included at least one racist “witness” who never WITNESSED anything!!! If the woman’s story was a lie and she supposedly got her story from the newspaper, then who provided the newspaper with that misinformation, the same lies that were later recanted by Wilson during his testimony? And of course, the majority white grand jury believed their perjurious statements over the many black witnesses who lived in the neighborhood and actually saw what happened….Smdh.

It is clear that the outcome of this case was predetermined — which is why many people who were familiar with McCulloch and his family’s relationships to the Ferguson & St. Louis Police Departments, wanted him removed from the case. Similar fraud has happened in my case as well and their actions constitute nothing short of a race-based conspiracy to deprive the Brown family of their constitutional and statutory rights under the color of the law and prevent this family from receiving justice for Michael’s untimely death.

African Americans are constantly told and expected to put our faith in our nation’s white-controlled judicial system and in return, whites have to do unlawful and highly unethical shit like this just to obtain favorable outcomes. As more and more details come out about how this case was intentionally mishandled and other conflicts of interest [e.g. I read that an organization McCulloch is affiliated with, helped Wilson raise more than $100,000.00 after murdering Brown] are revealed to the public, the past and current actions of the protesters — both lawful and unlawful — become even more justified. What will it take for these white people to stop being racist, corrupt and morally bankrupt? When there is not even the appearance of justice, there will never be any peace….

Source: Jason Sickles. “Ferguson Prosecutor: Some Witnesses Lied, Including Woman Who Didn’t See Shooting.” Yahoo News. December 19, 2014. http://news.yahoo.com/ferguson-prosecutor-some-witnesses-lied-including-woman-who-didn-t-see-shooting-000602852.html.

who is the racist “Witness 40” that committed PERJURY in the Mike Brown trial?!

With all of the things that have been revealed since the grand jury failed to indict Darren Wilson for the unarmed killing of Michael Brown, how can any objective and reasonable person conclude that justice was impartially administered in this case without regards to race, color, national origin and/or class? It is shit like this that undermines our multicultural society’s confidence in our nation’s predominately all-white judicial system.

NO INDICTMENT for Staten Island cop who used unlawful chokehold to KILL ERIC GARNER!!

And to think, this was all over some cigarettes!! Seriously??!!?? What is the world coming to? New York City is about to get crazy tonight…

“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure. When we allow fundamental freedoms to be sacrificed in the name of real or perceived exigency, we invariably come to regret it.” — Thurgood Marshall

Source: National Treasury Employee’s Union v. Von Raab, 489 U.S. 656 (1989).