Tagged: independence

“I think that the mission is to unify all African people throughout the world through a single pan-African program to reclaim every inch of Africa for African people, all twelve million square miles of it. To restore African dignity to Africa, to stop imitating Europe, to put Africa back on the road to believing in itself again. Producing for itself, and to end this whole cultism around consumerism and begin to produce the things we eat, the clothes we wear, and the transportation we use. We need to restore self-reliance, because it is a terrible thing for a people to be out of power; and when a people are out of power for so long, they long desperately for power and when they get close to it they panic, because they have not rehearsed for power…education has but one honorable purpose, one alone; everything else is a waste of time… that is to train the student to be a proper handler of power. Being Black and beautiful means nothing until ultimately you’re Black and powerful. The world is ruled by power, not blackness and not by beauty.” — Dr. John Henrik Clarke

Source: Dr. John Henrik Clarke. My Life in Search of Africa. pg. 96. 1999.

“Over the last four months, I’ve attended three hearings in the Rowe Litigation regarding his “threat” to file commercial lines against William Morris, Dentons LLP, Loeb & Loeb LLP and various individuals including Michael P. Zweig. These hearings make a further mockery out of our judicial system and raise further doubts about this court’s legitimacy. Attorneys for Dentons LLP — Rowe’s former counsel — and Loeb & Loeb LLP — sans Michael P. Zweig — are now sitting side by side, arguing before 91 years old Patterson to hold Rowe in contempt for filing $500 million dollar liens against each company and $100 million liens against each individual, including Zweig, and thus violating Patterson’s fraudulently issued Permanent Injunction. It’s obvious that Patterson should not have prevented Rowe’s case from being decided by an impartial jury and had [P. Kevin Castel] upheld this nation’s antidiscrimination statutes, the merits of my case should have also been determined by an impartial jury.”

Source: Pl. March 17, 2014 Fraud Upon the Court Motion, 90.

“‘Revolution is based on land. Land is the basis of all independence. Land is the basis of freedom, justice and equality,’ brother Malcolm taught us. Because it is on land that a people builds a nation.”

Source: W. Keorapetse Kgositsile, “Malcolm X and the Black Revolution: The Tragedy of a Dream Deferred.” Malcolm X: The Man and His Times. 1990. pg. 48.

“Thomas Jefferson described the impeachment process as a ‘bungling way of removing Judges,’ equating its effectiveness to that of a scarecrow.”

Source: Burkeley N. Riggs and Tamera D. Westerberg. Judicial Independence: An Historical Perspective The Independence of Judges Is….Requisite To Guard the Constitution and the Rights of the Individuals…74 Denv. U. L. Rev. 337, 338 (1997) (citing Charles Warren, The Supreme Court in United States History, 295 (1922).)

my letter to the not-so-honorable Robert P. Patterson after our brief exchange in Court.

Ok! So in less than two pages, I have sufficiently summarized the overall fraud that has occurred in both Rowe’s case, as well as mine. Also included, are the handwritten notes I made during yesterday’s hearing.

“Exhibit 31”

Also, just so you know. The Southern District of New York did not “receive” this document on either July 22 or July 23, 2004. This document was submitted with the Plaintiffs’ opposition to the Booking Agency Defendants’ Motion for Summary Judgment, filed on April 3, 2003. Why would this be stamped as if received nearly 15 months later?