Tagged: imaginary money

If the corporation known as the United States of America does not have the money that is owed to the descendants of African slaves for its egregious & on-going crimes against human beings of African descent, then this land becomes ours and the U.S Constitution should be abolished. #reparations

The U.S. doesn’t have the money to pay us because this corporation is currently $18 TRILLION in debt and that figure is growing by the minute. Thus, our currency has no real value although we PRETEND it does…

Congress CUTS food stamps by $8.7 BILLION!!

Bipartisanship, everybody; isn’t it great?

On Tuesday, the Senate passed — on a bipartisan basis, no less — the so-called farm bill. The bill will lead to 850,000 families on food stamps seeing their benefits cut by about $90 per month, a cut to the program’s budget of about 1 percent. The president is expected by all to sign it.

The bill is the product of roughly three years’ worth of on-and-off negotiations between Republicans and Democrats in the House and Senate. Its total spending is roughly $956.4 billion. It ends direct subsidy payments to farmers worth billions of dollars, and it is expected to cut somewhere around $16 billion in government spending over the coming 10 years.

In a statement released after the Senate vote, President Obama said that while the bill “isn’t perfect” he believes “it will make a positive difference not only for the rural economies that grow America’s food, but for our nation.”

Wtf! I get $189 a month and based on this information, my benefits will be reduced to $99 a month!!!?? If the cost of living in New York City is increasing, how can I (or anyone else) live off of this amount!?! This is grounds for a disaster….although our government/military wastes money in so many other areas, e.g. spending millions of dollars each year maintaining its 234 golf courses!! [http://www.policymic.com/articles/21194/defense-department-operates-234-golf-courses-in-the-world-draining-millions-from-the-u-s-budget]. Two of Busta Rhymes’ album titles come to mind: Extinction Level Event and ANARCHY. 

Source: http://www.salon.com/2014/02/04/congress_passes_farm_bill_cuts_food_stamps_by_8_7_billion/; See also, http://www.salon.com/2012/12/12/7_absurd_ways_the_military_wastes_taxpayer_dollars/.

G. Edward Griffin’s The Capitalist Conspiracy

This documentary was released in 1969. 44 years later, just look at all of the turmoil and strife happening in this country and throughout the world. It’s not a coincidence or accidental. The new world order is trying to do everything in its power to achieve a one world government. It’s up to us — citizens of the world — to become enlightened and stop that from happening.