Tagged: Forever Don’t Last

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it — always.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

remember to VOTE this Tuesday!


None of the politicians are discussing civil rights issues affecting the African American community. The reason for this, as Malcolm X once stated, is because we are nothing but “political chumps.” Many of the gains made by the civil rights movement have been eviscerated and the only time we seem get OUTRAGED about these types of racially-motivated injustices, is when the police racially profile and kill one of our brothers and sisters with complete immunity. We should be just as OUTRAGED by the corrupt system that is responsible for producing the racist environment that we have all been born into.

Since it will probably be a loooooooonnnngggg time before there is another person of color of White House after Obama’s second term ends, it’s time for us to get our shit together [esp. if Republicans take control of the Senate]!  African Americans need to start planning for the future and form our own political party so that by next election, we can collectively get on the same page, start thinking more politically and reawaken our black psyche/pan-African nationalistic consciousness so that we can tackle important issues that affect our communities and usher in a new period of black excellence that the world has never seen. Remember that Jan.1, 2015 through Dec. 31, 2024 marks the UN’s Decade For People of African Descent and that by 2050 (or sooner), whites in America are projected to be the minority.

Jazmine REUNITES with Stevie Wonder!!


What another incredible moment for Jazmine! While out in L.A. to perform at Tyler Perry’s birthday party, Jazmine stopped by Stevie Wonder’s radio station to promote her new single and upcoming album. Little did she know, that Mr. Wonder was also in the building! I was told that Stevie joined in on the interview, discussing how he met Jazmine when she was under the age of 10 and how she was invited to perform at Stevie’s grandson’s birthday party! Now, more than 15 years later, their paths crossed once again, with Stevie saying that he’s been following her career ever since. 🙂 After the interview, the two musical prodigies had a little impromptu session. #legendary

A clip of Jaz & Stevie performing “My Cherie Amour”: http://instagram.com/p/s4dopovqWE/.

listen to Jazmine Sullivan’s second single, “Forever Don’t Last” [produced by Chuck Harmony]

This was one of the first batch of songs Jazmine recorded for her new album, Reality Show. It was the last day of her first set of sessions with Chuck Harmony and I remember walking into the session, hearing Chuck play this track and knowing instantly that with Jazmine’s soulful vocals and superb writing skills, magic was about to happen.  Jazmine truly has a gift from God and I wish more people got to witness her creation process because it happens so effortlessly. It took her no more than 15 minutes to write the song and the rest, is now history.  Although I have many favorites, this is definitely one of the stanjd out, GRAMMY worthy tracks on Jazmine’s upcoming album, which is now expected to drop sometime in November.