Tagged: enviornment

“We need the law to pressure organizations to pay more attention to their structures, systems, and work cultures — to the context of the workplace over which they already exert substantial control — than to individuals and discrete moments of interaction or decision.”

Source: Tristin K. Green. Discrimination Laundering: The Rise of Organizational Innocence and and the Crisis of Equal Opportunity Law. pg. 5. 2016.

“In 1968, a pair of scientists from Stanford Research Institute wrote a report for the American Petroleum Institute, a trade association for America’s oil and natural gas industry. They warned that ‘man is now engaged in a vast geophysical experiment with his environment, the earth’ — one that ‘may be the cause of serious world-wide environmental changes.’ The scientists went on: “If the Earth’s temperature increases significantly, a number of events might be expected to occur including the melting of the Antarctic ice cap, a rise in sea levels, warming of the oceans and an increase in photosynthesis.” That 48-year-old report, which accurately foreshadowed what’s now happening, is among a trove of public documents uncovered and released Wednesday by the Washington-based Center for International Environmental Law. Taken together, documents that the organization has assembled show that oil executives were well aware of the serious climate risks associated with carbon dioxide emissions decades earlier than previously documented — and they covered it up. Carroll Muffett, the center’s president, told The Huffington Post the documents not only reveal that the industry, including Humble Oil (now Exxon Mobil), was ‘clearly on notice’ about the potential role of fossil fuels in CO2 emissions no later than 1957, but was ‘shaping science to shape public opinion’ even earlier, in the 1940s.”

There probably aren’t that many non-white oil execs in positions of power today, but how many non-white oil execs do you think existed before 1968?

The white elite are not only trying to wipe out various segments of the hue-man race, but they are hell-bent on destroying the world as well.

This is not a “conspiracy theory” — this is a FACT! And if you think these oil companies are telling the truth about cleaning up all of their oil spills and the non-damaging effects these oil spills have on the environment & wildlife, then you are nothing more than a gullible fool.

Source: Chris D’Angelo. “New Documents Show Oil Industry Even More Evil Than We Thought.” Huffington Post. April 14, 2016. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/oil-cover-up-climate_us_570e98bbe4b0ffa5937df6ce?ir=World&.

“The African comes on the scene in Europe approximately 50,000 years ago. In other words, the first European was an African too and is still an African — just an African who has changed…[Y]ou had several Ice Ages and a change in environment and the theory is that the change in environment and especially the Ice Age part of it — being cut off from the African continent, having a completely different environment with respect to diet and climate and all those things — resulted over a 20,000 year period in physical changes, genetic mutations to adapt to that particular environment and about 20,000 years or so ago, we have changes sufficient that we look and see distinct people when they really aren’t distinct in that sense, in the sense of having groups that can’t interbreed — that’s what one of the biological definitions of race is…[T]he European that resulted was merely a depigmented African.” — Dr. Asa Hillard, III

“The evidence suggests that black graduates, with fewer resources to fall back on, are even more aggressive than whites in pursuing a job. But that hasn’t been enough to overcome obstacles.”

If a company has a practice or policy of not hiring and/or promoting African Americans to higher-status, higher-paying positions within the company, then it doesn’t matter how many QUALIFIED black graduates submit their resumes. Hence, the reason why you have so many industries (e.g. Hollywood, advertising, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, our judicial system, fashion, the media, etc.) that have a gross overrepresentation of whites/”Jews” and a gross underrepresentation of African Americans employed (less than 2 percent in some of the industries listed). Always remember that majority of these institutions were created when African Americans did not have civil, political or social rights in this country….

Source: Patricia Cohen. “For Recent Black College Graduates, A Tougher Road to Employment.” New York Times. December 24, 2014. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014/12/25/business/for-recent-black-college-graduates-a-tougher-road-to-employment.html?_r=0.

“The white community’s narcissistic projection permits it to deny that it’s relationship to, and treatment of the African American community is racist and criminal and that it’s criminal treatment of the Black community is to a significant extent responsible for the alleged criminality and other forms of maladaptive behavior extant to that community. Thus, the White community makes it appear that it is threatened by a menacing Black community, an evil, criminal Black community which jeopardizes it’s existence, not the evil, criminal inclinations it contains within it’s own bosom.” — Dr. Amos Wilson

“Now, Stanford law professor John Donohue and his colleagues have added another full decade to the analysis, extending it through 2010, and have concluded that the opposite of Lott and Mustard’s original conclusion is true: more guns equal more crime. ‘The totality of the evidence based on educated judgments about the best statistical models suggests that right-to-carry laws are associated with substantially higher rates’ of aggravated assault, robbery, rape and murder, Donohue said in an interview with the Stanford Report. The evidence suggests that right-to-carry laws are associated with an 8 percent increase in the incidence of aggravated assault, according to Donohue. He says this number is likely a floor, and that some statistical methods show an increase of 33 percent in aggravated assaults involving a firearm after the passage of right-to-carry laws.”

Sounds pretty logical!! Remember that guns were not invented by blacks! And to some, the “right to bear arms” stems from the fact that guns have been viewed as the “great equalizer” in the efforts of whites to prevent [their FEAR of] white genetic annihilation based on the fact that the world’s majority are people of color and those classified as white constitute the world’s minority.

With all of the senseless shootings that we hear about on a daily basis [how many more stories do we have to hear about a three year old accidentally shooting him/herself?] and rise in shootings by the police of unarmed black men, maybe we should do away with guns ENTIRELY! I know the predominately all-white members of the NRA wouldn’t like that idea (cause they want us to kill each other), but we must no longer give a fuck what they think! We cannot allow this group (or others similarly situated) to have such considerable influence and power over shaping our views and policies on guns.

Source: Chris Ingraham. More Guns, More Crime: New Research Debunks A Central Thesis of the Guns Rights Movement. Washington Post. November 14, 2014. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2014/11/14/more-guns-more-crime-new-research-debunks-a-central-thesis-of-the-gun-rights-movement/.

i only want to see rainbows for the next month!!


God is so good! I didn’t think I would be back in Miami so soon…but I’d much rather be working on my complaint against Loeb & Loeb LLP, Michael P. Zweig, Christian Carbone, the American Arbitration Association, Timothy K. Lewis, Heather Santo, P. Kevin Castel and others with this view, than in the projects in Brooklyn.

“The plainest truth is that, as a country, we have let conditions of life in America deteriorate across a broad front and are headed straight to a place we would not want for our children and grandchildren.”

The plainest truth is that, as a country, we have let conditions of life in America deteriorate across a broad front and are headed straight to a place we would not want for our children and grandchildren. There is another future, an enormously attractive one, that is still within our power to build, but our country to chart a course to this better place.

That task begins with knowing where we are today. So let’s look at the present, and at a group of advanced democracies, specifically the major countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) — twenty in all, including the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the Nordics, Japan, Canada, and others. They can be thought of as our peer countries. What we see when we look at these countries is that compared with them, the United States now ranks at or very near the bottom in a host of important areas. America now has:

  • the highest poverty rate, both generally and for children;
  • the greatest inequality of incomes;
  • the lowest government spending as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) on social programs for the disadvantaged;
  • the lowest score on the United Nations’ index of “material well-being of children”;
  • the worst score on the UN’s gender inequality index;
  • the lowest social mobility;
  • the highest public and private expenditure on health care as a percentage of the GDP, and yet the highest infant mortality rate, prevalence of mental health problems, obesity rate, percentage of people going without health care due to cost concerns, and consumption of antidepressants per capita, along with the shortest life expectancy at birth;
  • the third lowest scores for student performance in math and middling scores in science and reading;
  • the second highest high school dropout rate;
  • the highest homicide rate;
  • the largest prison population, both absolutely and per capita; –
  • the highest water consumption per capita and the second highest carbon dioxide emissions per capita;
  • the lowest score on the Yale-World Economic Forum’s Environmental Performance Index, and the second-largest Ecological Footprint per capita;
  • the highest rate of failing to ratify international agreements;
  • the third-lowest spending on international development and humanitarian assistance as a percentage of GDP; and
  • the largest international arms sales.

International comparisons are only one way to examine what’s gone wrong. As I will discuss in Part I, these comparisons miss many of our most worrying challenges.

It is not for lack of knowledge, technology, or thoughtful policy proposals that we face this overwhelming, colliding collection of problems. One can easily identify a set of intelligent policy responses to almost all of these challenges. Groups advocating them pound constantly on Washington’s doors. Extraordinary technological opportunities remain untapped. Nor did these deplorable consequences simply happen as the result of larger economic and geopolitical forces over which we have no control.

When big problems emerge across the entire spectrum of national life, it cannot be for small reasons. We have encompassing problems because of fundamental flaws in our economic and political system. The many problems listed here and others discussed in Part I are the product of that system, compounded by conscious political decisions made over several decades by both Democrats and Republicans who have had priorities other than strengthening the well-being of American society and our environment. Many countries, obviously, took a different path, one that was open to us as well.

Source: James Gustave Speth. America the Possible: Manifesto For A New Economy, pg. 1-3. 2012.

another study published confirming that GENOCIDE is taking place! racism linked to shorten life expectancy for African Americans.

Black men who experience “high levels” of racism and internalize it may age more quickly, according to a new University of Maryland, College Park study.

Though it is well known that African-Americans suffer disproportionally from illness compared to other races, the university said the study is the first to link racism to accelerated aging and age-related disease. The study found that the more racial discrimination the men experienced and the more they reported a “stronger bias against their own racial group,” the greater their signs of accelerated aging, according to the university.

Led by David H. Chae, a professor of epidemiology at UMCP’s School of Public Health, researchers studied 92 participants, all black men between the ages of 30 and 50. They asked them to report their experiences with discrimination, including at restaurants and stores, with police and with work and housing. Researchers also measured their racial biases using the Black-White Implicit Association Test, which is designed to give insight into racial attitudes that people may not be aware of or are unwilling to admit.

“Our findings suggest that racism literally makes people old,” Chae said in a statement.

According to the study, black men who reported more serious or frequent racial discrimination and who had an implicit bias against their own race had far shorter telomeres, which cap the ends of DNA chromosomes and naturally shrink over time. Telomeres are used by scientists to measure cell age and are known to shorten more rapidly when people experience stress.

The study also found that black men who experienced racism but had stronger positive feelings about their racial group did not have the same shrunken telomeres.

“Those who have internalized an anti-black bias may be less able to cope with racist experiences, which may result in greater stress and shorter telomeres,” Chae said.

Shorter telomeres are linked to an increased risk of early death and diseases like diabetes, dementia, stroke and heart disease. The university said researchers controlled for the participants’ chronological age, socioeconomic status and existing health issues.

Chae said more study is needed into the link between racism and aging. He also criticized police tactics like “stop and frisk,” saying participants reported feeling discriminated against by police most often, followed by job discrimination.

Source: http://www.baltimoresun.com/health/bs-md-racism-aging-study-20140108,0,5998317.story#ixzz2pvjOIqFp

I’m only 29 years old, but you should see how much gray and white hair I have!! The study only confirms the obvious effects of global white/”Jewish” supremacy, particularly on people of African descent living in the United States of America. Also check out National Geographic’s Stress: Portrait of a Killer pretty much confirming the same thing.