Tagged: discriminatory effects

“[Chief Justice John] Roberts’s ‘colorblindness’ bears only a superficial resemblance to the concept as understood by past champions of equal rights, since as applied by the conservative majority on the court the approach has had dire consequences for racial minorities. Since Roberts became chief justice, the high court has struck down school desegregation plans, narrowed affirmative action, crippled the Voting Rights Act, limited the circumstances under which Americans can sue for racial discrimination, and enabled the denial of health insurance to millions of financially struggling people of color. Though the opportunity has not yet presented itself, the conservative movement from which Roberts sprung would see the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Fair Housing Act of 1968 destroyed as well.”

With regards to civil rights related cases, especially those involving the rights of African Americans, it is clear that our judicial system is completely rigged and set up in a way that would ensure that many of the gains made during the civil rights movement, would be eviscerated over time while racism continues to thrive. Smdh.

Source: Adam Serwer. “Sonia Sotomayor: Court’s Right Wing ‘Out Of Touch With Reality.’” msnbc. http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/sonia-sotomayor-slams-supreme-court-right-wing-race-matters.

“‘The industry can’t keep saying that we’re trying,’ [Alex] Nogales [of the National Hispanic Media Coalition] says. ‘It’s all about the results. And the results have been very clear for years and years.'”

Source: Dennis Romero. “How Hollywood Keeps Minorities Out.” LA Weekly. February 25, 2015. http://www.laweekly.com/news/how-hollywood-keeps-minorities-out-5402815.

“The ability to show discriminatory effect has only become more important as intentional discrimination has become harder to prove.”

Source: “Discrimination With A Smile.” New York Times. January 22, 2015. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/22/opinion/discrimination-with-a-smile.html?_r=0.

“Claims against the NYPD cost the city $212 MILLION IN 2014 ALONE” and “NEARLY HALF A BILLION” over the LAST 5 YEARS WHILE William Morris Endeavor Entertainment LLC (formerly the WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY) has engaged in an INTENTIONAL pattern and practice of EXCLUDING QUALIFIED African Americans from positions such as Agent because of their RACE, COLOR AND/OR NATIONAL ORIGIN and has NEVER PAID A DIME FOR VIOLATING THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964, NEW YORK CITY HUMAN RIGHTS LAW, SHERMAN ACT, etc. and NEVER had the MERITS of RACIAL DISCRIMINATION LAWSUITS filed against them IN FEDERAL COURT be decided by an IMPARTIAL JURY?????? #RACEBASEDCONSPIRACY #FRAUDUPONTHECOURT

New York Police Officer Daniel Pantaleo, whose chokehold killed Eric Garner on Staten Island in July, has been sued by residents claiming various abuses in at least three separate cases.

In one of those cases, Pantaleo is accused of falsely arresting and humiliating two men, who say Pantaleo searched them illegally, forced them to pull their pants and underwear down in public, squat and cough.

The City of New York settled that claim for $30,000 – $15,000 for each party involved.

A grand jury earlier this week announced that it would not be indicting Pantaleo in Garner’s death, despite the outcry from community groups who say the NYPD has systematically targeted black and Hispanic men for harassment.

“Claims against members of New York’s finest have swelled by 31% over the past five years. In that time, the city has paid out nearly a half-billion dollars.”

The payout amount in the earlier Pantaleo case is hardly unusual for New York City, where claims against members of New York’s finest have swelled by 31% over the past five years. In that time, the city has paid out nearly a half-billion dollars in claims. According to the New York City Comptroller’s Office, there were 9,500 claims filed against the police department in 2013, to the tune of $137 million. The total amount paid out in fiscal year 2014 has ballooned to $212 million.

Claims against the police department accounted for 37% of the claims against the city by residents, the largest of any of the city’s major agencies, including health and human services, sanitation, transportation, and parks and recreation.

Source: Trymaine Lee. “Claims Against NYPD Cost the City $212 Million In 2014 Alone.” MSNBC. December 5, 2014.  http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/claims-against-the-nypd-cost-the-city-millions-year?CID=sm_FB,