Tagged: Depression level unemployment

“The African American unemployment rate in Washington, D.C. is 13.6 percent — higher than in any state in the country. Illinois, where the black unemployment rate is 13.3 percent, is a close second. By contrast, the black jobless rate is lowest in Massachusetts, at 5.7 percent. Those are just some of the more startling findings from a new analysis of state-level unemployment data released by the progressive Economic Policy Institute on Tuesday.”

Smdh. This is occurring in the same area where our nation’s first “black” President has been residing for the last seven years and he has the audacity to now start saying that he wants his “legacy” to involve his work on improving race relations in the U.S.?!???😏

Source: Daniel Maran. “Black Unemployment Is Highest In Washington, D.C..” The Huffington Post. November 4, 2015. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/black-unemployment-washington-dc_563a2923e4b0411d306f00d7.

our legal system is so fucking corrupt!! almost every attorney in Leonard Rowe’s case has defrauded him. he recently learned that the attorney that represented him in the appellate & Supreme court — Keila Ravelo — defrauded him out of $230,000 [while falsely claiming to her law firm that the case was pro bono]. well, she was recently arrested by the feds for engaging in fraud in a separate case, as well as stealing MILLIONS from the firms she was a partner at. smdh.

Keila Ravelo fraud malpractice

Insane!! And she’s BLACK, a person of AFRICAN descent!!!!!! Smdh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It took Leonard about 7 months to find out about this, but thank God there are TREBLE DAMAGES for COMMITTING FRAUD!! hahahaha!!! Lock this woman [and her drug dealing husband] up and throw away the key.

Next, Rowe’s former counsel at Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP [Martin R. Gold, Richard Primoff, Raymond Heslin and Christine Lepera], various attorneys at the Willie Gary Law Firm including Willie Gary, Maria Sperando, Loeb & Loeb LLP attorneys Michael P. Zweig and Helen Gavaris, attorneys at Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP and others [P. Kevin Castel, Dennis Jacobs, Laura Swain, Raymond J. Lohier, Timothy K. Lewis…the dishonrorable federal judge Robert P. Patterson died earlier this year.] must be held accountable for committing “fraud upon the Court” in Rowe’s case (e.g. conspiring to conceal smoking gun evidence from being produced, collusion, violations of New York Rules of Professional Conduct, violations of New York Judiciary Law Section 487, etc) that ultimately allowed historically racist, predominately white/”Jewish” institutions like William Morris, IMG, Creative Artists Agency, United Talent Agency, ICM,and many others unknown to the general public to maintain their race-based, monopolistic power and control over who gets hired and/or promoted to key decision-making positions (e.g. Agent) within Hollywood.

Source: Staci Zaretsky. “Partner Allegedly Steals Millions From Biglaw Firms To Lead Luxurious Lifestyle.” Above The Law. December 2014. http://abovethelaw.com/2014/12/partner-allegedly-steals-millions-from-biglaw-firms-to-lead-luxurious-lifestyle/.

“‘America is coming back,’ President Obama declared late last month, touting strong job creation and rising wages. ‘We’ve risen from recession.’ But for Ferguson, Missouri – and black America as a whole – the recovery still hasn’t come. ‘Black unemployment rates are still at the height of the national unemployment rates during the Great Recession,’ the Center for Popular Democracy’s Connie Razza told msnbc. ‘We’re still in a recession in black America.'”

Source: Jane C. Timm. “Economic Recovery? Not For Ferguson or Black America.” msnbc. March 13, 2015. http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/economic-recovery-not-ferguson-and-black-america.

“In Wisconsin, the black unemployment rate was nearly 20 percent last year, and 26 states and Washington, DC saw double-digit unemployment rates for their black residents. The highest the white rate reached in any state, on the other hand, was 7 percent in Nevada.”

Source: Bryce Covert. “Black America Is Still In A Deep Recession.” Think Progress. March 26, 2015. http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2015/03/26/3639201/black-unemployment-recession/

“When domestic law fails to provide a remedy for human rights abuses, parties may be able to resort to regional or international mechanisms for enforcing human rights.”

the “origins and trajectory” of “post-racial liberalism.”

[The rhetoric of post-racial liberalism] wasn’t something invented by the current President[,] [r]ather, it has its roots in the period immediately following the passage of civil rights laws in the 1960s. It was Daniel Patrick Moynihan, for instance — an advisor to President Johnson before becoming a United States Senator — who first suggested that the nation would do well to engage in “benign neglect” when it came to the issue of race.

According to Moynihan, persistent inequities between whites and blacks could best be addressed by the passage of race-neutral, universal programs to help all in need; that, in addition to focusing on presumed cultural defects in the black community, from single parent families to crime to an inadequate attachment to education and the labor market. While conservatives made some of the same arguments about so-called black cultural pathology during this period, what distinguished post-racial liberalism from the new cultural racism of the right was its stated commitment to reducing racial disparities, albeit by non-racial means.

By the late 1970s, the leading herald of post-racial liberalism was University of Chicago sociologist, William Julius Wilson, an African American scholar (now at Harvard) whose books, The Declining Significance of Race, and later, The Truly Disadvantaged, put forth the two main pillars of post-racial thought. The first of these was that racial inequities were now mostly the result of race-neutral factors like deindustrialization, the mismatch between jobs (increasingly in suburbs) and people of color (who lived mostly in cities), and inadequate investment in education and other public goods. The second pillar of Wilson’s position was the political calculation that white backlash to things like affirmative action now made it necessary to push universal, race-neutral solutions to those problems, rather than race-specific programs and efforts. In short, we needed to talk less about racism, and more about class.

It is this race-neutral approach (which involves both a rhetoric of racial transcendence and a colorblind public policy agenda), which Barack Obama advocated in his best-selling policy book, The Audacity of Hope. And it is this same approach that he endorsed all throughout the campaign for the Presidency, and which he has articulated consistently since winning the election. When asked about persistent health disparities between whites and blacks, for instance, Obama has maintained that universal coverage and making health care more affordable for all is the best way to close those gaps. When asked about the depression-level job situation in communities of color (in which even blacks with college degrees are nearly twice as likely as their white counterparts to be out of work, and college educated Latinos 2/3 more likely than similar whites to be unemployed), Obama has insisted that a “rising tide lifts all boats,” and so the stimulus package and other measures to get the economy “moving again” are the best remedies for the suffering of folks of color.

But as I show in my new book, Colorblind: The Rise of Post-Racial Politics and the Retreat from Racial Equity, President Obama and other adherents to the post-racial liberal philosophy are flatly wrong. In fact, not only are they wrong about the ability of “universal” programs to reduce racial disparities in health, income or education; they are also wrong about the political value of race-neutral approaches. At the end of the day, avoiding conversations about race will not boost support for progressive social policy, and may in fact undermine it.

Written in 2010, Tim Wise’s commentary and analysis on this topic was dead on. Having been taught by critical race theorist Derrick Bell at Harvard Law, President Obama knows very well that taking a race-neutral approach in a highly-race conscious society is not the solution to address the racial inequality that pervades all aspects of our society. His choices are very political and well calculated. Of course he doesn’t want to piss off racist whites any more than he’s already have by being a person of color in the White House. Notice that less than a decade after the Civil Rights Act of 1964’s passage, many of the so-called “liberals” were advocating that “the nation would do well to engage in ‘benign neglect’ when it came to the issue of race” and basically ignore things such as institutional, systemic and societal forms of racism. 40 years later, they are still trying to do same while still believing in the myth that they are racially superior to blacks and other people of color! Smdh. Unfortunately, this is all happening at the expense of the African American community and it must stop. Many of the gains made during the civil rights movement have been eviscerated and given that we have no real political power in this country, we cannot realistically expect that things will ever get better for us unless we mobilize our efforts and follow in the footsteps of our ancestors.  Honestly, based on this country’s history, particularly when it comes to race, I don’t think that there is any person better than Obama or time than now, to address and help  eradicate global white/”Jewish”supremacy once and for all.

Source: http://www.timwise.org/2010/06/colorblind-ambition-the-rise-of-post-racial-politics-and-the-retreat-from-racial-equity/.

another study published confirming that GENOCIDE is taking place! racism linked to shorten life expectancy for African Americans.

Black men who experience “high levels” of racism and internalize it may age more quickly, according to a new University of Maryland, College Park study.

Though it is well known that African-Americans suffer disproportionally from illness compared to other races, the university said the study is the first to link racism to accelerated aging and age-related disease. The study found that the more racial discrimination the men experienced and the more they reported a “stronger bias against their own racial group,” the greater their signs of accelerated aging, according to the university.

Led by David H. Chae, a professor of epidemiology at UMCP’s School of Public Health, researchers studied 92 participants, all black men between the ages of 30 and 50. They asked them to report their experiences with discrimination, including at restaurants and stores, with police and with work and housing. Researchers also measured their racial biases using the Black-White Implicit Association Test, which is designed to give insight into racial attitudes that people may not be aware of or are unwilling to admit.

“Our findings suggest that racism literally makes people old,” Chae said in a statement.

According to the study, black men who reported more serious or frequent racial discrimination and who had an implicit bias against their own race had far shorter telomeres, which cap the ends of DNA chromosomes and naturally shrink over time. Telomeres are used by scientists to measure cell age and are known to shorten more rapidly when people experience stress.

The study also found that black men who experienced racism but had stronger positive feelings about their racial group did not have the same shrunken telomeres.

“Those who have internalized an anti-black bias may be less able to cope with racist experiences, which may result in greater stress and shorter telomeres,” Chae said.

Shorter telomeres are linked to an increased risk of early death and diseases like diabetes, dementia, stroke and heart disease. The university said researchers controlled for the participants’ chronological age, socioeconomic status and existing health issues.

Chae said more study is needed into the link between racism and aging. He also criticized police tactics like “stop and frisk,” saying participants reported feeling discriminated against by police most often, followed by job discrimination.

Source: http://www.baltimoresun.com/health/bs-md-racism-aging-study-20140108,0,5998317.story#ixzz2pvjOIqFp

I’m only 29 years old, but you should see how much gray and white hair I have!! The study only confirms the obvious effects of global white/”Jewish” supremacy, particularly on people of African descent living in the United States of America. Also check out National Geographic’s Stress: Portrait of a Killer pretty much confirming the same thing.