Tagged: conservative judiciary

“True to the key tenets of the conservative judicial agenda, these judges tend to construe laws as narrowly as possible…”

Source: Neil A. Lewis. “The 1992 Campaign; Selection of Conservative Judges Insures a President’s Legacy.” New York Times. July 1, 1992.  http://www.nytimes.com/1992/07/01/us/the-1992-campaign-selection-of-conservative-judges-insures-a-president-s-legacy.html.

since they want to treat this case like it’s 1814 and conspire to deprive me of my constitutional & statutory rights under the color of law, i’m going to play the role of the slave, stop pretending I will actually receive justice via a racist & corrupt judicial system and submit pleadings as if I were on a plantation.



The water is extremely muddy. If the law and my arguments are going to continue to be ignored, what’s the point in writing very detailed and thorough pleadings anymore? I have gone over and beyond the burden of proving all of my claims and there’s nothing more I can do. Either William Morris has and still is violating the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or they haven’t and never have. It’s time to move on…

Justice Sonia Sotomayor publicly defends AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, but what good are her views (or mine for that matter) if she will always constitute the SCOTUS MINORITY on this issue and others related to civil rights?

Justice Sonia Sotomayor said she supports affirmative action in higher education because she believes that alternatives based on geographic or economic status don’t work to ensure a diverse student body.

Sotomayor has said race-conscious programs in the 1970s that opened the Ivy League to minorities were essential to her rise from the Bronx housing projects to her admissions to Princeton and Yale Law School, where she excelled.

In a segment taped for ABC’s “This Week,” George Stephanopoulos asked Sotomayor, the court’s first Latina, about programs that might increase diversity in higher education that would be “less fractious” than the use of race.

She said other programs have not proven to be as successful in diversifying student bodies and that universities should be able to consider race and not just academic measurements.

“What does qualifications mean in an academic setting?” she said. “A place like Princeton could fill their entire beginning freshman class with students who have scored perfectly on undergraduate metrics.

“They don’t do it because it would not make for a diverse class on the metrics that they think are important for success in life.”

Reminded that President Obama has said his children should not receive special consideration for their race, because of their privileged backgrounds, Sotomayor said: “I agree. But even privileged people will show you dramatic accomplishment that doesn’t go just to grades.”

It is unusual for Supreme Court justices to appear on television, but most make exceptions when they have a book to promote. Sotomayor has actively promoted her memoir, “My Beloved World,” released in paperback this year.

Majority of justices who sit on the Supreme Court were appointed by Republican presidents. This has generally resulted in a 5-4  vote (or worse) to uphold and protect the interests of whites. This is not accidental or “due to chance.”

Read more here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/justice-sonia-sotomayor-defends-affirmative-action/2014/06/22/cfdbe774-fa22-11e3-8176-f2c941cf35f1_story.html. 

“The trends that are described here have driven employment discrimination plaintiffs from our federal courts in unprecedented numbers. In the last few years there has been a shocking drop of nearly 40% in the number of federal court employment discrimination filings. This is even more dramatic, given the rise in charges filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).”

For much of my judicial career, employment discrimination cases “reigned as the largest single category of federal civil cases, at nearly ten percent of that docket.” Now, they are exceeded by personal injury, product liability, and habeas corpus petitions. Employment discrimination cases have been dropping as a percentage of the federal court docket every year since 2001. Interestingly, this decline is the steepest in those circuits that a nationally prominent plaintiff lawyer had “previously described as circuits perceived by the bar to be the most hostile to employment discrimination plaintiffs.” As Marcellus speaks in the play, Hamlet, “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.” When litigants seeking to enforce this nation’s comprehensive employment discrimination laws feel the need to flee our federal courts—the very institution tasked by Congress to hear these cases — something is horribly amiss in our federal civil justice system.

Source: Hon. Mark W. Bennett. From the “No Spittin’, No Cussin’ and No Summary Judgment” Days of Employment Discrimination Litigation to the “Defendant’s Summary Judgment Affirmed Without Comment” Days: One Judge’s Four Decade Experience. 57 N.Y.L. Sch. L. Rev.685, 709 (2012–2013).

IMPARTIAL?! judicial misconduct complaint filed against Judge Edith Jones of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for making alleged comments that certain racial groups were “predisposed to violent crime.”


A coalition of civil rights organizations has filed a judicial misconduct complaint against a conservative federal judge for discriminatory comments she allegedly made during a speech, including that some racial groups were predisposed to violent crime.

Judge Edith Jones of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals addressed the University of Pennsylvania law school on Feb. 20. Her comments were not recorded, but five students and one attorney who were in attendance signed affidavits swearing to what they heard.

The complaint alleges that Jones said certain ‘racial groups like African-Americans and Hispanics are predisposed to crime,’ and that they are ‘prone to commit acts of violence’ and be involved in more violent and ‘heinous’ crimes than people of other ethnicities.

The judge also allegedly said Mexicans would prefer to be on death row in the U.S. than serve prison terms in their native country, and that it’s an insult for the U.S. to look to the laws of other countries such as Mexico.

The allegations were laid out in a 12-page complaint backed by several Texas groups and filed Tuesday in New Orleans, where the appeals court is based.

The complaint said Jones engaged in conduct that, among other things, ‘undermines public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary, and creates a strong appearance of impropriety.’

I don’t understand why it took nearly four months for this story to become public….but then again, all I have to do is think about the efforts made by the 2nd Circuit to suppress my complaint of judicial misconduct against various judges in the Southern District of New York.  Not surprising that she’s a Republican and was appointed to the Fifth Circuit by RONALD REAGAN!

Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2336670/Judge-says-blacks-Hispanics-predisposed-crime-violent-acts.html#ixzz2VYKWESc9.