Tagged: collectivism

Destiny’s Child — Stand Up 4 Love (Maurice Nu Soul Remix)

Homeless Outreach with Afropunk & Care More.


today, i got the opportunity to meet some pretty cool people by volunteering with an incredible non-profit organization by the name of Care More. Care More was founded last year by then 23 year old Mercedes Smith. Mercedes has been going around to the homeless in cities like NYC and Philly with the goal of making them feel more human by acknowledging their existence, talking and providing them with words of encouragement and giving them care packages that she’s made. the experiences from today reaffirm that we have to start caring less about ourselves and more for each other & the greater good of our society. it’s really not a hard thing to do…in the near future, Care More will be expanding to cities like Atlanta and Washington, D.C. i look forward to helping out again and i encourage everyone to do the same!!


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Photos by Bill Spencer (who is rocking the Fake Socialite NYC shirt in the last photo).

“You see, until we [italics] actually stop these racist maniacs who are opposed to any world order that challenges their decadence and racist perversions, they will continue to kill our leaders and any voices which, by articulating what is or should be in every black heart, become a direct threat to the warped white sensibility and its hideous creations. But to stop the madness of these perverts, we have to move to positions of power. Before we can move to positions of power we have to know ourselves so that we can, among many other necessary things, identify the enemy with a very precise clarity. This necessarily involves formulating a revolutionary ideology which will facilitate the building of our self-reliant communities and our veritable social institutions. Which is where Malcolm was at. Which is why Malcolm was murdered…

Source: W. Keorapetse Kgositsile, “Malcolm X and the Black Revolution: The Tragedy of a Dream Deferred.” Malcolm X: The Man and His Times. 1990. pg. 43.

the posts from yesterday really helped me take this complaint to the next level! i’m only on day 12 of writing and there’s no rush to submit it since the fraud is “on-going.” i look forward to seeing what becomes of it a few months from now.