Tagged: child rearing

“Our bodies are not the duplicates of European bodies, therefore, we cannot study the European body or the nutritioning of that body as a source for the proper nutrition of our own bodies to fit the needs of our own bodies. We must know ourselves. Just as our ancestors were the first to walk on the face of this Earth, to talk first, to organize politically and socially, to organize social relations and so forth, you will see that our children walk earlier, talk earlier, their balls grow faster, their teeth grow faster. As a matter of fact, they are born intellectually in advance of the white child. The black child comes on this Earth doing things on the very first and second day of life [when] it takes the average white child four to six months to do, so we are not talking about a duplicate. To base then, the teaching and training of our children on that of white children, is to miseducate our children and to rear them incorrectly. That’s one of the major problems that we are having today in the education of our children. We are basing that education upon the history and experience of another people and we must bring this to a close if we are to save our people.” — Dr. Amos N. Wilson

Source: Lecture titled “The Psychology of Co-Operative Economics.” Youtube.