Tagged: bullshit

“I believe this country can and will be a place of opportunity and hope for every single citizen. It’s not a given; there’s work to be done. But it’s a goal, and it’s important goal. I don’t care what party you’re in, what city you live in, or what State you’re from, the goal has got to be – America has got to be an hospitable, hopeful place for every single citizen. That’s what I believe. That’s kind of the heard of what they call compassionate conservatism, that the American experience must be alive and viable for everyone and that Government has a role to help people have the tools so they can help themselves. See, I believe in the human spirit: I believe if people have the opportunity and the ability, they will achieve their God-given talents. That’s what I believe. And I think that’s a proper role for the Federal Government, to help people.” — George W. Bush

Source: Remarks to the National Urban League Conference in Detroit, Michigan on July 23, 2004. Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, George W. Bush, 2004.

so after waiting 19 days for the Respondents’ reply to my appeal, they submit a two page “letter” stating that i cannot appeal and that it should’ve been dismissed entirely. that’s the best you could come up with after 19 days? lmao! just submitted my reply. so over these racist a…