Tagged: black jobs matter

“Corporate America’s diversity problems are well-documented. Silicon Valley has been roundly criticized for being mainly white and male, and data show Wall Street hires mostly white and male bankers. Corporate boards, too, lack racial diversity and are overwhelmingly white. That needs to change, too, Parker said, and boards need to be ‘very, very intentional and methodical in succession planning.’ ‘They need to make sure that there are individuals (in the pipeline) who are getting the proper career experiences that will allow them to have the global perspective’ to lead multinational companies, he said.”

These companies are clearly racist, which is why they have a problem hiring and retaining qualified African Americans and people of color. At this stage, we should not be forced to work for companies that segregate occupations by race and maintain work cultures that are defined by racialized lines. These companies need to pay people of African descent for intentionally violating the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and our nation’s other antidiscrimination laws with malice and/or reckless indifference to our federally protected rights.

Source: Gregory Wallace. “Only 5 Black CEOs At 500 Biggest Companies.” CNN Money. January 29, 2015. http://money.cnn.com/2015/01/29/news/economy/mcdonalds-ceo-diversity/?iid=EL.