Tagged: AP US History

“These students recognize that the social order can – and sometimes must – be disrupted in the pursuit of liberty and justice. Civil disorder and social strife are at the patriotic heart of American history – from the Boston Tea Party to the American Revolution to the Civil Rights Movement. And these events and ideas are essential within the study of a college-level, AP U.S. History course.” — The College Board

This is good because it is true, social order must be disrupted in the pursuit of liberty and justice! I’m glad the College Board stood up for these students. The AP US History students in Denver, CO (and everywhere else in the United States of America) have every right to protest any suggestion by school board members to whitewash certain parts of American history (even more than it already has been) by saying that “Materials should not encourage or condone civil disorder, social strife or disregard of the law.” They just want to feed us the information they want us to know — true or not — and expect us to be compliant and patriotic little,slaves.  That’s 16-20th century shit and cannot be continued into the 21st century. I had one of the best AP U.S. History teachers in the world and made a 4 on my exam, but I now know that so much of what I was taught about the greatness and superiority of the European and/or American, was based on an incomplete version of history and is nothing more than a lie [e.g. Christopher Columbus did not “discover” America] when the egregious crimes that have and are still being committed against humanity [e.g. Africans, Native Americans, etc.] to maintain this myth of racial superiority are factored in. This is how an individual can be extremely intelligent under Western standards, but still be very dumb due to his/her ignorance of [world] history. How do we solve the problem of “miseducation” in America? This is one of the keys to destroying the myth of white racial superiority.

Source: Nelson Garcia. “The College Board Supports Jeffco Protests.” USA Today. September 26, 2014.  http://www.9news.com/story/news/education/2014/09/26/college-board-supports-jeffco-protests/16281847/.