Tagged: al-Kemit

“It is foolish to explore materialism for a solution to the essential problem, which, in one guise or another, is always the problem of the existence of God. When an abstraction is involved, thesis and antithesis cannot become synthesis. The universe itself is entirely proof of God’s existence, or else it is a composite of invariable elements; these are the only possible positions, but there are different ways of understanding the meaning of the word ‘God.’ This notion is arrived at either through pure and simple affirmation by posing God as origin, or as a conclusion drawn from a complete analysis of all we know concerning matter.”


Source: R. A. Schwaller De Lubicz. Sacred Science. pg. 50. 1961.

“Kemit is a name for ancient Egypt, referring to the fertilizing black silt deposited by the Nile’s flooding. Km means ‘black’ as well as ‘to complete, to accomplish’ and Km.t means ‘the Black,’ Egypt.”

Source: R. A. Schwaller De Lubicz. Sacred Science. pg. 47. 1961.

“Sacred science could have fought against the deviation of the human spirit, were it not that its preservation is possible only through the temple-organization which selects men according to their moral qualities and their spiritual gifts. The seekers instructed at Cordoba in the science of al-Kemit — whence alchemy derived its name — were not regarded very kindly by the Church…”

Source: R. A. Schwaller De Lubicz. Sacred Science. pg. 47. 1961.

“What is the general attitude in our day toward this Hermetic science usually referred to alchemy? The word is of Islamic origin and signifies ‘the science of al-Kemit’ encountered by the Arab invaders of Egypt, the ancient Kemit which gave so much light to an Islam setting out to conquer the world. For nearly everyone, alchemy is the science of ‘making gold’ and nothing more. For some, it is a fantasy; for others, a mysterious science of fascinating discovery. There are also the ‘spiritually minded’ who consider alchemy to be a psychospiritual science of transforming consciousness, and the acquisition of psychic if not spiritual powers.”

Source: R. A. Schwaller De Lubicz. Sacred Science. pg. 7-8. 1961.