Tagged: Afrcan Americans

“Speaking at the conservative National Review Institute’s ideas summit in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, [Jeb] Bush called Antonin Scalia ‘far and away the most interesting opinion writer’ on the court and praised the conservative justice for his textualist approach to the U.S. Constitution. Yet the justice he is ideologically closest to, Bush said, was Clarence Thomas. ‘There’s a quiet and consistency there I like and I generally agree with his views,’ Bush said, referring to Thomas’ famous habit of not asking any questions during oral arguments. The two justices belong to the conservative bloc that, along with swing vote Anthony Kennedy, has pushed the court to the right in recent years. The two other members of the bloc — Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito — were appointed to the court by former President George W. Bush, Jeb’s brother.”

He’s a Bush, so there’s no question that Jeb’s also not in favor of racial equality, but these recent statements are very revealing because they give a glimpse into the type of person Jeb would appoint to serve as the next justice on the Supreme Court should Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg retire in the near future. One thing is for certain: If Jeb Bush (or any Republican for that matter) is elected into office as the next president of the United States, there will be no social progress and race relations in America will not improve. Things will only worsen.

Source: Igor Bobic. “Jeb Bush Admires Clarence Thomas, Thinks Antonin Scalia Is The ‘Most Interesting Opinion Writer’.” Huffington Post. April 30, 2015. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/04/30/jeb-bush-supreme-court_n_7184774.html.

If the corporation known as the United States of America does not have the money that is owed to the descendants of African slaves for its egregious & on-going crimes against human beings of African descent, then this land becomes ours and the U.S Constitution should be abolished. #reparations

The U.S. doesn’t have the money to pay us because this corporation is currently $18 TRILLION in debt and that figure is growing by the minute. Thus, our currency has no real value although we PRETEND it does…