Tagged: Acoustic Soul

listen to Jazmine Sullivan’s second single, “Forever Don’t Last” [produced by Chuck Harmony]

This was one of the first batch of songs Jazmine recorded for her new album, Reality Show. It was the last day of her first set of sessions with Chuck Harmony and I remember walking into the session, hearing Chuck play this track and knowing instantly that with Jazmine’s soulful vocals and superb writing skills, magic was about to happen.  Jazmine truly has a gift from God and I wish more people got to witness her creation process because it happens so effortlessly. It took her no more than 15 minutes to write the song and the rest, is now history.  Although I have many favorites, this is definitely one of the stanjd out, GRAMMY worthy tracks on Jazmine’s upcoming album, which is now expected to drop sometime in November.

India.Arie — “Strength, Courage & Wisdom”

This post was inspired after reading India’s post on Facebook, where she discussed breaking down on stage during her show yesterday in Australia. Her fans (many who were at the show) showed her so much love in the comment section, and there was one person who referenced this song in their words of encouragement.

This is one of my favorite tracks off of India’s debut Acoustic Soul. I can remember when I fell in love with her and her music: It was the summer of 2001, I was in Savannah, GA and I was listening to the radio in the car when her first single “Video” came on.  It was the same year that Lauryn did MTV Unplugged and because of the two of them, I was inspired to play the guitar. I made my parents get me a Washburn…and the only thing I can play 13 years later is Tweet’s “Motel.” Hahah. But back to the song, these are three things we should all pray for daily…I do.

After writing this, I had to post another incredible song from India titled “India’s Song”. I believe it was recorded during her Acoustic sessions, but it didn’t make the album. She premiered it on MTV’s Music In High Places while in Brazil.

“…wasting precious time on racist mentality….spirit knows no color, either you’re a hater or a lover.”