Complex: “White Bro Matt Damon Talks Over a Black Woman to Explain Diversity to Her.”

It’s been 10 years since we last saw Project Greenlight, HBO’s behind-the-scenes movie-making reality series from Hollywood’s favorite bromantic duo, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. Last night the two brought the show back for its fourth season, replacing former producer Chris Moore with Effie Brown, a film producer who has more than a handful credits under her belt (her most recent and notable one being last year’s Dear White People). In the show Brown pointed out that one of the films on the show features only one black character, who is also a prostitute, so it would be helpful to see diversity from the director’s chair as well. Her point is valid: Diversity from behind the camera helps with both visibility and representation of POC characters. (Plus, God knows Hollywood has more than enough white dudes already.)

But then Matt Damon decided to interrupt Brown mid-sentence and whitemansplain diversity to her (let me just take a moment to point out that Effie Brown is a BLACK WOMAN). But like, what does she know about diversity, right? Matt Damon well-actually’s the convo with: “When we talk about diversity, you do it in the casting of the film, not the casting of the show.”

Brown, naturally, lets out a near-speechless “WHOO, WOW,” because how do you articulate to Matt Damon that he is talking completely out of his ass?

I love Kristen’s sarcastic write up! There’s nothing worse than a white person trying to deny or downplay a black or person of color’s reality dealing with racism. Click the link below to see the video. Smdh.

Source: Kristen Yoonsoon Kim. Complex. “White Bro Matt Damon Talks Over a Black Woman to Explain Diversity to Her.” September 14, 2015.

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