Tagged: zero rate of promotion

“I hesitated to include this section because even if I do elaborate, the Respondents are more than likely going to trivialize my legally sufficient arguments and continue their conspiracy to remain silent because they can’t dispute the historical and statistical evidence or extensive sociological jurisprudence I’ve provided throughout this case. Although this is an extremely daunting endeavor for a pro se litigant, I feel compelled to briefly discuss the real-life, socioeconomic and genocide effects of William Morris and Hollywood’s discriminatory and anticompeittive practices, policies and procedures. I apologize in advance for any incomplete thoughts or grammatical errors contained in this section. I simply want to preserve the record and ask that I be allowed to argue the anticompetitive effects of Hollywood’s discriminatory and anticompetitive practices in full at an oral hearing or before a jury if default judgment is not granted.”

Source: Claimant’s Reply Motion for Summary Judgment, December 31, 2013. pg. 53.