Tagged: whoopi goldberg

really Whoopi??!!?? so you find BLACKFACE to be COMICAL & ACCEPTABLE when worn by your EX-LOVER??


This is my first time seeing this disturbing image of Whoopi cheesing while her ex — actor Ted Duncan — gives a speech wearing blackface. Whenever Whoopi discusses race or issues affecting the African American community as a “black woman,” never forget this image…Disgusting!

correction! “nigger” found more than 349 times in emails by WMA and CAA executives!!!

This week, I found out that on March 2, 2012, Leonard Rowe filed a Motion to Vacate Judgment to reopen his case against William Morris and other talent agencies!!!!!!!!! He states:

Two years after oral argument, and after extensive discovery and pre-trial motion practice, this Honorable Court granted summary judgment to the defendants. The Court’s Order failed to include any mention of the derogatory utilization of the term “niggers” (which was found in the defendants William Morris Agency and CAA’s e-mail records some 349 times), “coons” and other blatant evidence of racial discrimination by defendants that has been and continues to be directed toward plaintiff and others similarly situated.

During the summary judgment phase of his case, the Court was unable to weigh this incriminating evidence because of the “improper actions and misconduct by certain involved attorneys” conspired to keep this evidence away the Court. I feel the timing of this news couldn’t be any more perfect!!!!! I raised concerns of judicial bias, prejudice and impropriety in September 2011.  Read the 15 page complaint for evidence of judicial corruption and institutional racism within America’s judicial system.

On 4/20, I filed a complaint with the Chief District Judge Loretta A. Preska under the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980 to investigate the widespread corruption and racism permeating throughout America’s judicial system, including the Southern District of New York and the Second Circuit.