Tagged: white controlled political parties

election day is TODAY! by 2016, let’s have our OWN political party!!


Find your polling location here: https://2014.votinginfoproject.org/.

“As presidential politics began more and more to determine the nature of judicial policy and politics, the Supreme Court reflected this new trend, as Republican presidents nominated like-minded judges to the bench. The Court became the means by which Republican presidents could ensure the end of liberal civil rights policy because Justice have life tenure. These justices promulgated a formalist position on civil rights that marked a return to narrow concepts of jurisprudence and a rejection of liberal judicial activism. In the eyes of activists, the Supreme Court was no longer an articulate voice in favor of civil rights and liberties; instead, it became a threat, for the justices seemed able to limit precedents or do away with them altogether.”

Source: Bernie D. Jones. Critical Race Theory: New Strategies for Civil Rights in the New Millennium? Harvard Blackletter Law Journal. Vol. 18, pg. 2-3. 2002.