Tagged: white-controlled police

“The evidence suggests that black graduates, with fewer resources to fall back on, are even more aggressive than whites in pursuing a job. But that hasn’t been enough to overcome obstacles.”

If a company has a practice or policy of not hiring and/or promoting African Americans to higher-status, higher-paying positions within the company, then it doesn’t matter how many QUALIFIED black graduates submit their resumes. Hence, the reason why you have so many industries (e.g. Hollywood, advertising, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, our judicial system, fashion, the media, etc.) that have a gross overrepresentation of whites/”Jews” and a gross underrepresentation of African Americans employed (less than 2 percent in some of the industries listed). Always remember that majority of these institutions were created when African Americans did not have civil, political or social rights in this country….

Source: Patricia Cohen. “For Recent Black College Graduates, A Tougher Road to Employment.” New York Times. December 24, 2014. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014/12/25/business/for-recent-black-college-graduates-a-tougher-road-to-employment.html?_r=0.

watch President Barack Obama discuss RACE and RACISM in AMERIKKKA with BET: The murder of unarmed black men like Eric Garner “gives us an opportunity…to finally have the kind of conversation that’s been a long time coming.”

The transcript can be read here: “Transcript: BET’s Exclusive Interview with President Obama.” BET.com. December 12, 2014. http://www.bet.com/news/national/2014/12/12/transcript-bet-s-exclusive-interview-with-president-obama.html.

let’s not forget to DEMAND JUSTICE 4 KENDRICK JOHNSON!!!

kendrick johnson

With all of the focus on Mike Brown, Eric Garner and the countless others who have died at the hands of the police, I haven’t heard any updates about Kendrick Johnson’s family’s quest to find out the truth about how Kendrick ended up being found dead in a rolled up mat WITH HIS FACE ENTIRELY DISFIGURED at his high school’s gym in Georgia nearly two years ago.

The stupid ass cops told Kendrick’s family that there was “no foul play” and implied that Kendrick obviously did this to himself. However, any human being with an iota of common sense, let alone a COP, SHERIFF, DETECTIVE or other LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL [positions overrepresented by whites throughout our entire NATION due to the fact that they are allegedly more qualified for the job than blacks and other people of color], should have known by looking at this young black man’s face, that he was murdered and someone rolled his dead body up in that mat.

Had Kendrick been white, do you think the police would have conducted such a shitty investigation and/or reached the initial conclusion that “no foul play” took place? I think not, which is why I partly believe that the cops deliberately engaged in a conspiracy to conceal the truth from being uncovered. As we have seen from the cases like Trayvon Martin, Brown and Garner, the police play an integral role in ensuring that whites who kill blacks get away with their crimes, so it’s not a stretch to think that many of the predominately all-white police from Valdosta, intentionally refused to conduct a proper investigation into Johnson’s death and obstructed justice so that Johnson’s killer(s) would also get off scot-free and remain anonymous…

In the same way that we have collectively demanded justice for Martin, Brown, Garner and others, we should demand justice for Johnson until all parties involved in this larger conspiracy to interfere with the human rights of people of African descent, are ultimately held accountable for their unlawful actions.